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Dispensational Theology









 The Ages and the Worlds




 The Old World (Part 1)




 The Old World (Part 2)




 This Present World




 The World to Come (Part 1)




 The World to Come (Part 2)




 The World to Come (Part 3)




 The World to Come (Part 4)




 The World to Come (Part 5)




 The World to Come (Part 6)




 The World Without End (Part 1)




 The World Without End (Part 2)




 The Prophetic Days (Part 1)




 The Prophetic Days (Part 2)




 The Prophetic Days (Part 3)




 The Prophetic Times




 The Dispensations (Part 1)




 The Dispensations (Part 2)




 The Covenants




 The 7 Baptisms (Part 1)




 The 7 Baptisms (Part 2)




 The 7 Resurrections (Part 1)




 The 7 Resurrections (Part 2) 




 The 7 Judgments (Part 1)




 The 7 Judgments (Part 2)




 The 7 Mysteries (Part 1)




 The 7 Mysteries (Part 2)




 The 7 Feasts (Part 1) 




 The 7 Feasts (Part 2)




 The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God (Part 1)




 The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God (Part 2)




 The Mysteries of God














Dispensational Theology








1)  From the word dispense which means, “to deal or divide out in parts or portions; to distribute; to administer; to apply, as laws to particular cases”


2)  From the word dispensation which means, “distribution; the act of dealing out to different persons or places; the dealing of God to his creatures”


3)  A method of hermeneutics that identifies various dispensations, or divisions, in the word of God whereby God deals with man in a particular way.




          1)  The study of the various dispensations, or divisions, of the Bible


          2)  The study of Bible doctrines from a dispensational viewpoint






1)  DEMONSTRATION IN SCRIPTURE- God is a God of division (as well as multiplication, addition, and subtraction)


a)  Creation


1.  The light from darkness (Gen 1:4)


          2.  The waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament (Gen 1:6-7)


3.  The day from the night (Gen 1:14)


               b) The nations of the world from each other (Gen 10:25,32)


               c) The children of Israel from the Egyptians (Exo 8:23)


               d) The Red Sea (Exo 14:21)


               e) The Promised Land (Jos 18:10)


               f) The sheep from the goats (Matt 25:32)


 g) The gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor 12:11)




a)  The Bible is the PERFECT revelation of God (1 Cor 13:10), yet this revelation was PROGRESSIVE (in parts or divisions) (Heb 1:1)


1.  The Bible is ONE book (Isa 34:16), yet it is composed of two Testaments (Heb 9:15) of 66 books (39 in the Old Testament; 27 in the New Testament)


2.  These 66 books were written by approximately 40 different authors over 1600 years (1500 B.C.- 100 A.D.)


3.  There is a clear, unmistakable division between the Old Testament and New Testament


b) The Bible clearly states it has divisions in 2 Tim 2:15


“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly DIVIDING the word of truth”






“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth”          


          2) THE FASHION


“STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”          


          3) THE FRUIT


“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth NOT TO BE ASHAMED, rightly dividing the word of truth”          


III) DANGERS                                                        




The failure by most, if not all, false churches and cults to recognize divisions in the Bible is evidenced by their heretical faith plus works plan of salvation. Although these organizations may recognize a difference between the Old Testament and New Testament, the following examples demonstrate how they do not understand the difference.


                        1) A PRIEST CLASS


A tribal priesthood was instituted for the nation of Israel under the law.  Aaron, his sons, and their descendants were the priests and the Levites assisted in the ministry of the house of God. Today, a similar distinction is made between those that are clergy and those that are laity.  The priest class usually has special rights and privileges.  Jesus Christ calls this division NICOLAITANISM and he hates its deeds and doctrine (Rev 2:6,15). The establishment of a special priest class is contrary to the New Testament doctrine of the priesthood of the believer (1 Pet 2:9). The following “churches” are examples of those who have a priest class. 


                                    a)         Roman Catholic Church


                                    b)         Eastern Orthodox Church


                                    c)         Anglican Church


                                    d)         Mormon Church (Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthoods)


                        2) SABBATH OBSERVANCE


Although God rested on the seventh day of creation (Gen 2:2), the sabbath was not revealed to man until God gave it to Israel at Mt. Sinai (Neh 9:14). The sabbath was given to the nation of Israel under the law.  If the sabbath was given to all men, then it would not fulfill its purpose as a sign between God and the nation of Israel (Eze 20:12,20).  Since the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the FIRST day of the week (Matt 28:1), the New Testament church observed the FIRST day (Sunday) for congregational worship, the ministry of the word, and giving (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:2). The following “churches” and cults continue to observe the sabbath (seventh-day).


                                    a)         Seventh-day Adventist Church


                                    b)         Jehovah’s Witnesses


                                    c)         Worldwide Church of God (original Armstrongites)


                        3)         OLD TESTAMENT (LEGAL) RITUALS


                                    a)         Roman Catholic Church


                                                1.         Blood sacrifice (the Mass)


                                                2.         Confession of sins in the presence of a priest


                                                3.         Referring to “ministers” as “father”


                                    b)         Mormon Church


                                                1.         Special underwear for priests (linen breeches)


                                                2.         Urim and Thummim


                                                3.         A central temple


                                                4.         *Dietary laws


* Jehovah’s Witnesses and Seventh-day Adventists also observe strict dietary laws.




1) HYPER-DISPENSATIONALISM- a belief that results in too many divisions of the Bible


Hyper-dispensationalists refer to themselves as “Bereans” because, in their opinion, they above all others have searched the scriptures whether things are so (Acts 17:11).  They recognize the major divisions of the Bible, and then some.  As their name indicates, they slice and dice the Bible into numerous and unwarranted divisions. Their view of the Bible is extreme and has resulted in false doctrine.


a)  The Church (the body of Christ) began with Paul  Cont: (Acts 2:47; 5:14; 8:1; 9:4; Rom 16:7)


b)  Only the Pauline Epistles have any applicability or value for the Christian today Cont: (Rom 15:4; 1 Cor 10:11; 2 Tim 3:16)


1.  They eliminate the entire Old Testament, the Gospels, Acts, General Epistles, and Revelation


2.  They do not believe water baptism is applicable for this “dispensation” because the only time Paul mentions it, he refers to it in a negative context (1 Cor 1:13-17)


Hyper-dispensationalists are often referred to as “Dry Cleaners” because of their belief that Christians do not need to be baptized.  While it is clear that water baptism plays no part in an individual’s salvation, it is something every Christian SHOULD do (Acts 2:37-38).  It is part of the Great Commission (Matt 28:19) and is the first act of obedience to the Lord (Acts 10:48).  The Lord Jesus Christ did not need to be baptized, yet he submitted himself to the ritual in order to publicly identify himself with men             (Matt 3:14-15).  Today, two of the reasons we are baptized is to follow the example set by the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Pet 2:21), and to publicly identify ourselves with him (Rom 6:3-4).  The Hyper-dispensationalist view of water baptism is not surprising considering their treatment of the Bible. What other conclusion could one come to if they eliminated 90% of their Bible and misinterpreted the remaining 10%?   Regarding Paul’s discussion of baptism in 1 Corinthians 1, he is not speaking of water baptism in an absolute sense, but in a relative sense.  He is not condemning water baptism or those who got baptized, but rather the emphasis the carnal Corinthians placed upon it relative to the gospel of Christ.  Rather than boasting of the Lord who saved them, they relegated themselves to being disciples of those who baptized them.  The reason Paul thanked God he did not baptize many of them was because more would be saying, “I am of Paul”.


2)  THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT- a belief that the sign (apostolic) gifts are perpetual gifts to the church, especially speaking in unknown tongues


Those in the Charismatic movement err in their understanding of tongues.  First, they are not an ANGELIC language that may be manifest in the form of incomprehensible BABBLE, but, a FOREIGN LANGUAGE (Acts 2:4,6) that may be UNKNOWN to the listener; hence, the need for an interpreter      (1 Cor 14:13). Second, although those in the Charismatic movement recognize the fact that the Bible says tongues would cease (1 Cor 13:8), they err in their belief as to WHEN they would cease.  They contend that tongues will cease at the Second Coming of Christ based on their interpretation that Jesus Christ is “that which is perfect” in 1 Corinthians 13:10.  There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is perfect and that dramatic changes will take place when he comes again, but “that which is perfect” in 1 Corinthians 13:10 is the word of God (Psa 19:7) not Jesus Christ. In order to understand why tongues would cease with the completion of the revelation of the word of God, one must recognize the purpose of tongues. Tongues were one of the SIGN gifts (Mark 16:17-18), and the sign gifts verified the apostolic ministry   (2 Cor 12:12) to the Jews (1 Cor 1:22; 14:22), because the Jews would not believe without a sign (John 4:48). The nation of Israel began with signs.  When they were in bondage in Egypt, God commissioned Moses to go preach the message of deliverance to them. Moses was concerned that they would not believe that the Lord appeared to him (Exo 4:1). In order to prove to the children of Israel that God did appear to Moses and that his words were the truth, God gave Moses the ability to perform SIGNS (Exo 4:5,8-9). So, from the very beginning, the Jew has required signs to authenticate that a message or man is from God. As far as the sign of tongues is concerned, Jews are present in all three instances where they are spoken in the New Testament (Acts 2: 4; 10:46; 19:6). The reason why sign gifts would cease with the completion of the word of God is because anyone could verify the truth of a message or man by searching the word of God.  To require signs today in light of the availability of the word of God is nothing less than walking by sight instead of faith cf. (John 20:29; 2 Cor 5:7). The Charismatic view of tongues reflects a neglect to recognize the slight “difference” in how God dealt with man during the “transitional” period of the apostolic ministry (33 A.D.-96 A.D.) as opposed to today.




The consequences of not recognizing divisions in the word of truth or rightly dividing the word of truth:


     A)  DISGRACE 


Rightly dividing the word of truth leads to correct interpretation and application of the Bible.  This enables the Christian to be able to answer questions the world may ask of him. A Christian who does not correctly understand the basic doctrines of the Bible ought to be ashamed (2 Tim 2:15; Heb 5:12).  In the Bible, shame is associated with not being able to answer (Pro 22:21; Luke 13:17; 14:6; 1 Pet 3:15-16). 




Rightly dividing the word of truth leads to an explanation and resolution of all the apparent contradictions in the Bible.  For example, Matthew 6:15 states that we will not be forgiven by God until we have first forgiven others; whereas, Ephesians 4:32 states we should forgive other because God has already forgiven us for Christ’s sake.  Which is right?  The answer is both, but for different people at different times. Matthew 6:15 is spoken to Jewish disciples still under the law and Ephesians 4:32 is written to Christians under grace. 




If apparent contradictions are not resolved, the result is confusion and doubt concerning the truth of the word of God. God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33) or doubt (Heb 10:22; 12:2).




If the word is not rightly divided, then false doctrine will result.  Rightly dividing the word of truth is associated with being approved unto God (2 Tim 2:15).  Those who are not approved unto God can be involved in heresy (1 Cor 11:19) or error (2 Tim 2:18).

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Dispensational Theology






            A) DEFINED




a)       genea (genea) = “progeny; a generation; course of life”


               1.         Translated as “ages” two times (Eph 3:5,21)


               2.         Translated as “nation” one time, “time” two times, and “generation” 36 times


NOTE: Most Bible expositors, past and present, incorrectly teach that the King James translators mistranslated the Greek word genea as “age”. They teach it should have been translated as “generation”. Consequently, most of the new bibles (e.g.- NASB, NIV, etc.) translate genea as “generations” in Ephesians 3:5,21.


b)  aiwn (aion) = “a period of time of significant character; life; an era; an age; the world; eternal; everlasting; forever”       


                         1.         Translated as “ages” two times (Eph 2:7; Col 1:26)


      2.  Translated as “course” one time, “eternal” two times, “forever” 24 times, and “world” 32 times


NOTE: Most Bible expositors, past and present, incorrectly teach that the only translation of aiwn should be “age”.




a)  Age = “the whole duration of a being from its beginning to its end; that part of the duration of a being, which is between its beginning and any given time; the period when a person is enabled by law to do certain things for himself, or when he ceases to be controlled by parents or guardians; mature years; the people who live at a particular period; a generation; a particular period of time”


b)   The majority of times the word age appears in the Bible, it is related to the duration of an individual’s life (dead or alive)


c)  The most appropriate dictionary definition for this lesson is “a particular period of time”




     a)  The ages are “particular periods of time”


b)  The ages are periods of time between two geological “crises” called CATACLYSMS


NOTE: A human’s AGE is a particular period of time, the period of time between two “crises”, BIRTH and DEATH


               1.         Cataclysm = “a violent geological change of the earth’s surface


               2.         There are no less than three cataclysms clearly revealed in the Bible


                                                            a.         The Flood (Gen 7-8; 2 Pet 3:5-6)


                                                            b.         The Second Coming of Christ (Isa 24:1; 35:6-7; 40:4; Zec 14:4)


                                                            c.         The Renovation of the heavens and the earth (2 Pet 3:10,12; Rev 20:11)


            B) DESIGNATED


There are FOUR distinct Biblical ages, based on the fact that an age is a period of time between two cataclysms, and there are three specific cataclysms in the Bible.


1)   THE ANTE-DILUVIAN AGE- Creation (Gen 1:1) to the Flood (Gen 7:24)


2)  THE POST-DILUVIAN (PRESENT) AGE- The Flood (Gen 8:1) to the Second Coming of Christ (Rev 19:21)


3)  THE KINGDOM AGE- The Second Coming of Christ (Rev 20:1) to the Renovation of the heaven and the earth (Rev 20:11)


4)  THE ETERNAL AGE- The Renovation of the heaven and the earth to all eternity (Rev 20:12- eternity)


NOTE: The Bible implies there was only one age prior to the current one, calling it “the former age” (Job 8:8).  This would be a reference to the ANTE-DILUVIAN AGE.  The Bible implies there is at least two ages to follow the current one, calling them “the ages to come” (Eph 2:7).  This would be a reference to the KINGDOM AGE and the ETERNAL AGE.




            A) DEFINED


                        1)         THE UNDERLYING GREEK WORDS


                                    a)         gh (gay) = “land; ground; earth”


                                                1.         Translated as “world” one time (Rev 13:3)


                             2.  Translated as “country” two times, “ground” 18 times, “land” 42 times, and “earth” 188 times


                                    b)         oikoumenh (oikoumene) = “land; globe; earth; the inhabitants of the earth; the world”

                                                1.         Translated as “world” 14 times


                             2.  Translated as “earth” one time


                      c)         kosmos (kosmos) = “orderly arrangement; decoration; ornament; the world; mankind; the universe”


                                  1.  Translated as “world” 187 times


                                  2.  Translated as “adorning” one time


                       d)        aiwn (aion) = “a period of time of significant character; life; an era; an age; the world; eternal; everlasting; forever”       


                                                1.  Translated as “world” 32 times


                             2.  Translated as “course” one time, “eternal” two times, “ages” two times (Eph 2:7; Col 1:26), and “forever” 24 times


NOTE: Most Bible expositors, past and present, incorrectly teach that the word aiwn should never be translated as “world”, but “age”.  Consequently, most, if not all, the new bibles (e.g.- NKJV, NIV, NASB, etc.) translate aiwn as “age” instead “world” all 32 times.


               2)           THE ENGLISH WORD


                      a)         World = “the universe; the orbs which occupy space; the earth; present state of existence; society; the customs and manners of men; mankind; the inhabitants of the earth”


                                    b)         The word world has four primary applications in the Bible


                                                1.         The universe; the whole system of created globes or celestial bodies (Heb 1:2; 11:3)


                                                2.         The earth (1 Sam 2:8; Psa 24:1)


                                                3.         The inhabitants of the earth; mankind (John 3:16-17)


                             4.         Society; a social order or system; the general and specific customs and manners of men     (Job 37:12; Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17)


NOTE:  There is at least one prominent Bible teacher today who openly alleges the phrase “the end of the world” (Matt 24:3; 28:20) is a mistranslation and should read, “the end of the age” because the world will never come to an end.  He believes this based on Ecclesiastes 1:4 which says, “the earth abideth forever”. It appears he believes the world and the earth are identical. What he, and those who believe as he does, fail to see is: (1) many statements made in Ecclesiastes are from the viewpoint of men “under the sun” and cannot be taken as doctrinal truth; and (2) the world and the earth are occasionally identical, but not always. In fact, Jesus Christ said the earth will pass away one day (Matt 24:35).


                        3)         CONCLUSION


                     a)  Although all four applications are in the Bible, the most appropriate for this lesson is, “society; a social order or system”


                                    b)         The relationship between ages and worlds


                                                1.         They are not identical


                             2.        An age is a period of time between two geological crises, or cataclysms; and a world is the society, or social order of a particular age




There are FOUR distinct Biblical worlds, based on the fact that a world is the society or social order of an age, and there are four ages in the Bible.


                        1)         THE OLD WORLD/ THE WORLD THAT THEN WAS (2 Pet 2:5; 3:6)


                        2)         THIS (PRESENT) (EVIL) WORLD (2 Cor 4:4; Eph 1:21; Tit 2:12; 2 Tim 4:10; Gal 1:4)


                        3)         THE WORLD TO COME (THAT WORLD) (Matt 12:32; Eph 1:21; Heb 2:5; Luke 20:35)


                        4)         THE WORLD WITHOUT END (Isa 45:17; Eph 3:21)


The WORLDS also have an association with the HEAVENS AND EARTH mentioned in 2 Peter 3.


“the heavens were of OLD, and the earth” (v.5) = the old world/the world that then was


“the heavens and the earth, WHICH ARE NOW” (v.7) = the present world; the world to come


“NEW heavens and a NEW earth” (v.13) = the world without end


See chart: "The Ages, Worlds, Cataclysms, and Dispensations" at the end of the book.

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Dispensational Theology










NOTE:  This upper atmospheric water is the water that fell to the earth when “the windows of heaven were opened” (Gen 7:11).  It was likely a vapor canopy that surrounded the earth, probably in what is known today as the thermosphere (Gen 1:7). The thermosphere is located approximately 50 miles up into our atmosphere between the mesosphere and ionosphere. Generally speaking, as you ascend up into our atmosphere, the temperature decreases, but not when you get to the thermosphere.  As its name indicates, the thermosphere is a very hot place, reaching temperatures as high as 2700 F! At these temperatures, water would become steam and vapor.  The thermosphere could very well be where the vapor canopy of the old world was located. The northern lights, or “Aurora Borealis” occurs there today.


a)  A global “greenhouse”


NOTE:  The vapor canopy in the upper atmosphere created a greenhouse effect that regulated temperatures in such a way that a sub-tropical climate prevailed on a global scale.  There were no deserts, ice caps, glaciers, or icebergs.  The earth may not have tilted 23½ degrees on it’s axis at this time.


b) A global “sunscreen”


NOTE:  The vapor canopy in the upper atmosphere also created a global sunscreen that blocked all the damaging rays of the sun.  The produced an increase in the growth process and a decrease in the aging process, which in turn, resulted in largeness and longevity among living things.




NOTE:  This underground water is the water that came upon the earth when “all the fountains of the great deep” were broken up (Gen 7:11). It likely consisted of ground water, fountains, and geysers.  The hydrologic cycle as we know it today did not exist in the old world.  There was no rain (Heb 11:7), which means there were no clouds, so the earth was watered by a mist that went up from the ground (Gen 2:6).  The underground waters were probably the source of this mist. 


3) ONE CONTINENT AND ONE OCEAN (Gen 1:9-10; Pro 8:31; 2 Pet 3:5)


               a) Moderate topography and ocean depths


b) More equal distribution of land and sea (50/50 or possibly 75/25 instead of the current 25/75)




          1)  FLORA


a) Largeness and longevity (Gen 1:11-12)


1.  There was a continual supply of sunlight for photosynthesis, without the harmful rays, due to the upper atmospheric waters (Gen 1:7)


2.  There was a continual supply of moisture for fertile soil due to the underground water supply (Gen 2:6)


b) Cursed with thorns and thistles (and weeds) after the Fall (Gen 3:18)




a) Consisted of whales, fish, fowl, cattle, creeping things, and beasts (Gen 1:20-26)


NOTE:  Dinosaurs, like all reptiles, would be classified as “creeping things”.  There is no reason to believe that dinosaurs did not exist at this time, although there is no scriptural evidence that supports the proliferation and pre-eminence attributed to them by secular science.


b)  Originally vegetarian; the predator-prey relationship could have began after the Fall (Gen 1:30; 3:14)


               c)  No fear of man  (cont. Gen 9:2)


d) Largeness and longevity (Gen 6:4)


1.  The upper atmospheric waters screened harmful radiation that would otherwise accelerate the aging process and stunt the growth process


2.  The underground water supply produced fertile soil for plant life, resulting in an abundant direct or indirect food supply for all animals


     3.  Longevity results in a population explosion


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Dispensational Theology



3)  MEN


              a)  A creation of God, not a product of evolution (Gen 1:26)


b)  A special creation, not an animal creation; made in the image of God (i.e.- intellect, emotion, and will), not in the image of an ape (e.g.- Neanderthal) (Gen 1:27; 2:7)


               c)  A sovereign creation (Gen 1:28)


NOTE:  Dinosaurs have never “ruled the earth”; from the very beginning, man has been given the pre-eminence in God’s creation


d) Vegetarian (Gen 1:29)


               e) Largeness and longevity


1.  Gigantism among men was not from natural causes, but supernatural (Gen 6:4)


2.  The average life span in Genesis 5 (excluding Enoch who did not die) is 910 years


                    3.  The upper atmospheric waters screened harmful radiation that would otherwise accelerate the aging process and stunt the growth process.


                    4.  The underground water supply produced fertile soil for plant life, resulting in an abundant food supply for all men






a)  Due to increased conception (Gen 3:16)


b)  Due to longevity


NOTE:  Most people believe the antediluvian population was relatively small and regionalized to the Middle and Near East.  But due to longevity, the population was large and global (there was only one land mass then and it was entirely habitable).  An estimate of the population of the old world at the time of the Flood is given below along with some assumptions.




1.         The average human life span was 900 years

2.         There were 10 generations from Adam to Noah

3.         Each family had 25 children


NOTE: The last assumption is based on the same number of children being born relative to life span.  If the average life span of people today is 70 years (Psa 90:10) and they have an average of two children, then there is an average of one child for every 35 years. Applying this formula to the average life span of the old world would mean each family had 25 children (900/35 = 25).




First generation =                    2

Second generation =               25

Third generation =                  300     

Fourth generation =                3,750

Fifth generation =                   46,875

Sixth generation =                   585,925

Seventh generation =              7,317,300

Eighth generation =                 91,466,250

Ninth generation =                  1,143,328,125

Tenth generation =                  14,291,600,000


This 14.3 billion represents the total number of children born in the TENTH generations, and not the total number of people living at the time of the Flood. There were obviously people living at the time of the Flood who were born in a previous generation. These people are not included in the number above; therefore, it is a very conservative estimate.  This number may be difficult for some to accept, but it must be remembered that land was 100% habitable then, and the total amount of land relative to sea was probably larger than it is today.


          2)  AN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY (Gen 4:2,20)






NOTE:  One could only imagine the degree of sophistication and mastery an individual could achieve with their craft if they had 800-900 years of experience!  Consider the fact that Noah and his sons built the ark by themselves, a ship that was 450 feet long by 75 feet wide by 45 feet high. The ark was the largest ship in human history until 1884 A.D. 




           6)  ABUSE OF MARRIAGE (polygamy) (Gen 4:19; Luke 17:27)


           7)  SEXUAL PERVERSION


                a)  Homosexuality (Rom 1:26-27)


                b)  Beastiality (Gen 6:7)


8)  INVASION OF FALLEN ANGELS AND THEIR COHABITATION WITH WOMEN        (Gen 6:2; 1 Pet 3:19-20; 2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6)


                 a)  Giants (Gen 6:4)


NOTE:  The giants were the product of the sexual union between angels and women. They were worshipped as the heroes of their time and are the basis of all the demigods in mythology


                 b)  Satyrs (Isa 13:21; 34:14)


NOTE:  A satyr has the upper body of a man and the legs and horns of a goat.  These beings could have actually existed in the old world as the product of the sexual union between angels and animals.  It is interesting to note that the same Hebrew word is translated as “devils” (Lev 17:7; 2 Chr 11:15)


            9)  WICKED DEEDS AND EVIL THOUGHTS (Gen 6:5; 2 Pet 2:5; Jude 15)


            10)  VIOLENCE AND CORRUPTION (Gen 6:11-13)


            11)  SCOFFERS OF THE WORD OF GOD (2 Pet 3:3-4)


NOTE:  The “old world” is probably the basis of the legends of Atlantis.  The Greek philosopher, Plato, wrote of Atlantis in Timaeus and Critias.  It was supposedly an island larger than Asia Minor, inhabited by a superior race with a highly advanced society, which may have had communications with extra-terrestrial beings. The legend states that Atlantis sank into the sea as a result of a tremendous earthquake and volcanic eruptions.

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Dispensational Theology





In presenting this lesson, we assume the student is knowledgeable of the cosmology, geology, geography, and biology of this age and world.  Consequently, the purpose of this lesson is to point out a number of other characteristics and the appropriate conduct of the Christian within the world.




                        1)  MORAL


                                    a)  It is evil (Gal 1:4)


                                    b)  It is in darkness (Eph 6:12)


                                    c)  It is corrupt (2 Pet 1:4)


                                    d)  It is polluted (2 Pet 2:20)


                                    e)  It is in wickedness (1 John 5:19)


NOTE: The world is IN wickedness to the same degree and extent that the believer is IN Christ.


                        2)  RELIGIOUS


                                    a)  It has a god (2 Cor 4:4)


                                    b)  It has a spirit (1 Cor 2:12)


                                    c)  It has children (Luke 16:8; 20:34)


                                    d)  It has prophets (1 John 4:1; 2 John 7)


                        3)  POLITICAL


                                    a)  It has a prince (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11)


                                    b)  It has a disputer (1 Cor 1:20)


                                    c)  It has rulers (Eph 6:12)


                                    d)  It has princes (1 Cor 2:6,8)


                                    e)  It has kingdoms (Matt 4:8; Rev 11:15)


                                    f)   It has nations (Luke 12:30)


                        4)  SOCIAL


                                    a)  It has cares (Mark 4:19)


                                    b)  It has a peace (John 14:27)


                                    c)  It has riches (Rom 11:12)


                                    d)  It has a wisdom (1 Cor 2:6; 3:19)


                                    e)  It has a fashion (1 Cor 7:31)


                                    f)   It has elements (Gal 4:3)


                                    g)  It has a course (Eph 2:2)


                                    h)  It has rudiments (Col 2:8)


                      i)      It has lusts (Tit 2:12)


Additional facts regarding this present world:


1.  It is under the condemnation of God (1 Cor 11:32)


2.  It will come to an end (Matt 13:39-40,49; 28:20) at the Second Coming of Christ (Matt 24:3)


3.  It will be judged in and with righteousness (Psa 9:8; 96:13; 98:9; Acts 17:31; Rom 3:6), by Jesus Christ (Acts 17:31) and the saints (1 Cor 6:2)


4.  It is typified by Egypt (Gen 12:10; 15:17; Deu 4:20) and the field (Matt 13:38)




          1)  We are IN the world (John 17:11) but not OF it (John 17:16)


2)  We are to WORK for our physical needs (2 The 3:10; 1 Tim 5:18) but not WORRY about them (Matt 6:31; Mark 4:19; Phl 4:6)


3)  We can USE this world (1 Cor 7:31) but not ABUSE it (Phl 4:5)


4)  We can ENJOY things (1 Tim 6:17) but not be ENTANGLED with them (2 Tim 2:3-4)


5)  We are to be lights in it (Matt 5:14; Phl 2:15)


6)  We are to be crucified to it (Gal 6:14)


7)  We are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts (Tit 2:12)


8)  We are to live soberly, righteously, and godly in it (Tit 2:12)


9)  We are not to conform to it (Rom 12:2)


          10)    We are not to be spotted by it (Jam 1:27)


           11)    We are not to befriend it (Jam 4:4)


           12)    We are not to love it or the things in it (1 John 2:15)


           13)    We shall have tribulation in it (John 16:33)


           14)    We have overcome it (1 John 5:4)


           15)    We shall judge it (1 Cor 6:2)

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III) THE KINGDOM AGE AND THE WORLD TO COME (Matt 12:32; Luke 18:30; Heb 2:5; 6:5)


            A)  COSMOLOGY


          1)  THERE WILL STILL BE DAY AND NIGHT (Isa 4:5; Jer 33:20) (i.e.- the earth will spin on it’s axis)




NOTE:  Since the moon merely reflects the light of the sun, and the sun will be seven times as bright in the world to come as it is today, it is fair to assume that the moon will also be seven times as bright then as it is now.  This increased brightness could equate to the moon being as bright then as the sun is now.


            B)   GEOLOGY


          1)  MODERATE TERRAIN (Isa 40:4; Rev 16:20)


          2)  MORE CONDUCIVE FOR HABITATION (no tundra, deserts) (Isa 35:1-2,6-7; Zec 14:10) Cont: (Eze 47:11); POSSIBLY HIGHER PROPORTION OF LAND (50%) (2 Pet 3:5)


          3)  FRESH WATER OCEANS (Eze 47:8-9,11)


          4)  PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF FRESH WATER RIVERS AND STREAMS (Isa 41:17-18; Psa 36:8-9)


          5)  A “CROSS” AT THE MOUNT OF OLIVES (Zec 14:4)


          6)  LIKE THE GARDEN OF EDEN (Isa 51:3; Eze 36:35) cf. (Gen 2:8-15; 13:10)


          7)  SEASONS WILL BE MORE MODERATE (Eze 47:12; Zec 14:8) (i.e.- the earth will tilt on it’s axis, but may be less than 23 ½ degrees) (moderate temperatures will greatly reduce wind activity and probably eliminate any wind storms such as hurricanes and tornadoes)


          8)  THERE WILL BE RAIN STORMS (Isa 4:6; Eze 34:26: Joel 2:23)



           C)   GEOGRAPHY


                    1)  THE GENTILES


NOTE:  There will be boundaries (Deu 32:8; Acts 17:26-27) but open and free passage (Isa 19:23).

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                    2)  ISRAEL


           a)  National boundaries (Gen 15:18; Eze 47:13-23)


           b)  Boundaries for the 12 tribes (Eze 48:1-7,23-29)


                          c)  Boundaries for the Levites and priests (sons of Zadok) (Eze 48:8-20)


           d)  Boundaries for David (the prince) (Eze 48:21-22)


          3)  JERUSALEM WILL BE THE POLITICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND SPIRITUAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD (Psa 48:2; Isa 60:14; Jer 3:17; 33:16; Eze 48:35; Zec 8:3; Matt 5:35)




                    1)  FLORA


           a)  Trees will grow, flourish, and be fruitful in what was once wilderness and desert (Isa 4:2; 41:19)


           b)  There will be an abundance of trees (Eze 47:7)


           c)  Trees alongside the river of the temple shall bear a different fruit each month; the leaves will not fall (proving more moderate seasons), but will be used for medicinal purposes (Eze 47:12)


           d) The curse shall be lifted (Isa 32:15; 55:13) cf. (Gen 3:17-19) as a result of the “regeneration of the earth “ (Matt 19:28)


           2)  FAUNA


                          a)  The curse will be lifted (Rom 8:21-22)


           b)  Animals will lose their ferocity toward each other and man; there will no longer be a predator/prey relationship (Isa 11:6,9; 65:25; Eze 34:25; Hos 2:18)


           c)  All creatures shall be herbivores (Isa 11:7; 65:25)


           d)  Animals shall no longer be venomous (Isa 11:8)


           e)  The serpent will still go upon his belly (Isa 65:25)


NOTE:  With the curse lifted off the ground and creation, will trees and animals grow to larger sizes?




           1)   Physiological


            a)  There will be diseases and infirmities, but on a lesser scale than today, and many will be healed (Isa 29:18; 35:5-6)


            b)  There will be death (Isa 65:20) because, although sin will not be prevalent, it will be present


            c)  Longevity will be restored and the aging process greatly slowed down (Isa 65:20,22)


NOTE:  The restoration of ante-diluvian longevity will result in a population explosion equal to or even greater, than that of the “old world” (see: Lesson 4).           


            d)  Diet will consist of fish (Eze 47:10) and fruit (Eze 47:12)


NOTE:  The geological conditions of the world to come will result in an abundant food supply.  This coupled with the fact that animals will lose their ferocity toward each other and their fear toward man, will eliminate the need for man to hunt, whether it be for food or self-defense.


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2)  Educational


               a)  The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord (Isa 11:9; 32:4; 33:6; Hab 2:14)


b)  The inhabitants of the earth learn the ways and doctrine of the Lord (Isa 2:3; 29:24; 30:20-21)


c)  The inhabitants of the earth will not learn war any more (Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3) cf.(Jam 4:1-2)


         3)  Judicial


              a)  The law of the Lord will be the law of the land (Isa 42:1-4)


NOTE:  It is possible that a flying roll measuring 450 sq. feet (representing the law of the Lord) will go forth over the whole earth (even into houses) and pass immediate judgment upon offenders (Zec 5:1-4).


b)  Judgment will be based on righteousness and equity (Isa 11:1-4)


c)  No man will be allowed to oppress another (Psa 10:17-18)


d)  The Constitution of the Kingdom (Matt 5-7)


1.  The Beautitudes (Matt 5:1-12)


2.  God’s people will be the salt and light of the world (Matt 5:13-16)


3.  The law will be fulfilled with righteousness greater than the scribes and Pharisees (Matt 5:17-20)


4.  Warnings against sin (Matt 5:21-48)


5.  Guidelines for giving (Matt 6:1-4)


6.  Guidelines for prayer (Matt 6:5-15; 7:7-12)


7.  Guidelines for fasting (Matt 6:16-18)


8.  Guidelines for priorities (Matt 6:19-34)                     


9.  Guidelines for judgment (Matt 7:1-6)


   10.  Warnings against false appearances (popular opinion) (Matt 7:13-14)


   11.  Warnings against false prophets (Matt 7:15-20)


   12.  Warnings against false professions (Matt 7:21-29)


e)  Specific sins, safeguards, and judgments


1.  Murder/Hatred (Matt 5:21-26; Isa 66:3)


2.  Adultery/Divorce (Matt 5:27-32)


3.  Swearing (Matt 5:33-37; Zec 5:3-4)


4.  Revenge (Matt 5:38-42)


5.  Conditional love (Matt 5:43-48)


6.  Stealing (Zec 5:3-4)


7.  Not worshipping the Lord (Zec 14:16-19)


8.  Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (Mark 3:28-30)


f)  Judgment upon the wicked will be swift, absolute, and final (Psa 10:16; Isa 11:4; 16:5; 66:15-16,18; Mal 3:5) Cont: (Ecc 8:11)


g)  The greatest deterrent against crime will be a visible lake of fire on earth (Isa 66:24; Matt 25:41; Rev 19:20)


h)  Capital punishment could entail being cast into this lake of fire (Mark 3:29; 9:43-48)         


        4)   Economical


a)  Enough food for all because the entire earth will be fruitful (Psa 67:6; 145:15-16; Isa 29:17; Jer 31:12; Eze 4:27; 36:30; Joel 2:24-27; Amo 9:13; Zec 8:12)


b)  Houses and cities will be built (Eze 28:26; 36:33)


c)  Self-supporting husbandry will be the occupation of the earth (Isa 30:23-25) cf. (Gen 2:15) Cont: (Gen 3:17-19,23) It will be an AGRICULTURAL society, not INDUSTRIAL


d)  Everyone will have their own property with all inherent freedoms (Isa 65:21-23; Mic 4:4)


e)  It will not be a time of WORK, but a time of REST (Heb 4:4-5,9-11) cf. (Gen 2:2-3; 2 Pet 3:8)


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       5)  Political


            a)  Jesus Christ


                   1.  The government shall be upon his shoulder (Isa 9:6)


a. It will be an AUTOCRACY not a democracy. Christ will completely control (Dan 5:19; Rev 19:15) all three branches of government. He will be the Judge of the judicial branch, the Lawgiver of the legislative branch, and the King of the executive branch (Isa 33:22)


b. It will be a MONARCHY not an oligarchy or republic. In a monarchy, one person rules, by election or inheritance, for the duration of their life. The Lord Jesus Christ will become King by virtue of inheritance (as the Son of God and the Son of David) and since he will never die again, he will reign forever


2.  The Lord Jesus Christ alone shall be exalted in that day (Isa 2:17; Phl 2:9-11)


a.  As God (Isa 2:2-4; 4:2; 7:14; 9:6; 12:6; 24:23; 25:6-9; 40:10; 52:7; Jer 23:5; Eze 44:2; Mic 4:1-2,7; Zec 13:7; 14:16-17; Luke 1:35)


b.  As Man (Isa 9:6; 11:1; Dan 7: 13-14; Zec 3:8; 6:12; John 5:27; Acts 17:31)


c.  As King and Prince over all the earth (Psa 10:16; 29:10; 47:7; Isa 6:5; 9:6; 33:17; 44:6; Dan 8:25; 9:25; Zec 14:9; Acts 3:15; Rev 11:15; 19:15-16)


               b) The Church, Old Testament, and Tribulation saints


1.  The Church, as the Bride of Christ, will sit at his right hand (Psa 45:9; Rev 3:21)


2.  They shall live and reign with Christ as priests and kings (Isa 32:1; Rev 1:6; 20:4,6) cf. (2 Sam 8:18)


3.  Their reign shall be over cities (Luke 19:17,19)


4.  The extent of each reign will be determined by their faithfulness (Luke 19:11-27) and sufferings for Christ in this life (Rom 8:17-18; 2 Cor 4:17; 2 Tim 2:12)


5.  They shall judge the world (Psa 149:6-9; 1 Cor 6:2)


6.  They shall teach the word of God to the world (Psa 145:11-12; Isa 2:3; 11:9; 52:6-8; 66:19; Matt 28:19)


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c)  Israel


1.  Israel will be the chief and head of all nations (Deu 28:13)


2.  The Gentiles will acknowledge the supremacy of Israel (Isa 49:23; 60:14; 61:6,9; 62:12; Jer 33:9; Zec 8:23)


3.  The Gentiles will serve Israel (Isa 14:1-2; 60:10,12; 61:5)


4.  Israel will be restored and rebuilt (Isa 61:4)


5.  Israel will become a fruitful nation (Isa 27:6)


6.  Israel will be the salt and light of the world (Isa 60:1-3; Matt 5:13-14)


7.  Israel will be restored as the wife of Jehovah (Isa 54:5-7; Hos 2:16-20)


                   8.  Israel will be born again in one day (Isa 45:17; 66:5-14; Eze 36:24-30; Zec 3:9; 12:10; Rom 11:25-27)           


9.  The Lord will turn to Israel a pure language (i.e.- Hebrew) (Zep 3:9)


              d)  The Gentiles


1.  The Gentiles serve Israel (Isa 14:1-2; 60:10,12; 61:5)


2.  The Gentiles will bring gifts to the Lord at Jerusalem and worship him (Psa 66:4; 68:29; 72:10-11; 76:11; 86:9; Isa 2:2; Zec 14:16-19) cf. (1 Kin 10:24-25)


3.  The Gentiles will be taught the ways of the Lord (Isa 2:3; Mic 4:2)


4.  The Gentiles will seek the Lord (Isa 11:10)


5.  The Gentiles will no longer go to war (Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3)


              e)  David


1.  David will be “king” over the nation of Israel (Jer 30:9; Eze 37:24; Hos 3:5)


2.  David will be “prince” relative to Christ as King (Eze 34:24; 37:25)


3.  David will be “shepherd” over the nation of Israel (Eze 34:23)


               f)  The twelve apostles


NOTE:  The 12 apostles will sit as “judges” over the 12 tribes of Israel (Isa 1:26; Matt 19:28).


               g)  Moses and Elijah


NOTE:  Moses, representing the Law, and Elijah, representing the Prophets, shall sit at the right and left hand of Christ in his Kingdom (Zec 4:3; Mal 4:4-5; Matt 17:3; 20:21,23; Rev 11:3-4).


         6)  Spiritual


a)  Satan and all unclean spirits will be cast into the bottomless pit and imprisoned for the entire 1,000 years (Zec 13:2; Rev 20:1-3)


b)  Sin (Although only saved people originally inherit the Kingdom, their progeny are still born with a sinful nature)


1.  Proven by the fact that death is mentioned (Isa 65:20)


2.  Proven by the fact that the last enemy destroyed by Christ is death (1 Cor 15:26) cf. (Rom 6:23)


3.  Proven by the fact that there are warnings against sin (Zec 5:3-4; Matt 5:21-48)


4.  Proven by the fact that there is secret rebellion against Christ throughout the 1,000 years consummating with the final revolt led by Satan (Psa 62:4; Isa 26:10; Zec 14:17-19;      Rev 20:7-9)


              c)  Salvation


                   1.  The Millennium begins with all saved people (Jews and Gentiles alike) (Matt 13:41-43; 25:21,30,34,41)


2.  Received through the new birth (Eze 36:26-27; John 3:3,5)


3.  It is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Zec 13:6; Eph 2:8-9)


NOTE:  People of the Millennium will WALK BY SIGHT not by faith (Cont: 2 Cor 5:7). Christ will be SEEN; a lake of fire will be SEEN; the glory of the saints will be SEEN, but salvation is still by FAITH because none of them SAW Christ die for their sins and it is still the word of God that says salvation is IN CHRIST.


4.  The law of God will be written in the hearts of the saved (Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10)


5.  The Spirit of God will be poured out (Isa 44:3; Eze 39:29; Zec 12:10)


6.  Salvation will be universally known and presented (Psa 98:2-3)

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                d)  Service and supplication


                     1.  There will be a fifth temple (Solomon’s, Zerubbabel’s, Herod’s, Tribulation, Millennial) (Eze 40:5-43:6) rebuilt by the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Zec 6:12-13; Mal 3:1)


NOTE:  There is no mention of the ark, the mercy seat, the veil, the candlestick, or the high priest; but the altar of burnt-offering (Eze 40:47; 43:13-17), the altar of incense (Eze 41:22), and the table of shewbread (Eze 44:16) are mentioned. In addition, all the Levites will minister about the temple, but only the sons of Zadok will be priests (Eze 40:46; 43:19; 44:15; 48:11).


                      2.  Animal sacrifices will be reinstituted as a memorial and an ordinance, not as a means of remission of sins (Isa 56:7; Jer 33:18; Eze 43:18-27). All five offerings are mentioned: the burnt offering (Eze 40:39), the meat offering (Eze 42:13), the peace offering (Eze 43:27), the sin offering (Eze 42:13), and the trespass offering (Eze 42:13)


                      3.  The festivities associated with the new moons and sabbath days will be reinstituted (Isa 66:23; Col 2:17)


   4.  The Passover (Eze 45:21-24) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Eze 45:25; Zec 14:16-19) will be observed as memorials (Exo 12:14)


NOTE:  No lamb is mentioned as part of the passover.


                       5.  The inhabitants of the earth will pray unto the Lord, worship him, and bring gifts unto him (Psa 22:27-28; 65:2; 66:4; 72:11; Isa 56:6-7; 60:11-12; 66:23; Zec 8:22;14:16-17) 




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1)  The former heavens will not be remembered or come to mind (Isa 65:17)


a)  They will pass away (Matt 24:35; 2 Pet 3:10; Rev 21:1)


b)  They will be dissolved with fire (2 Pet 3:11-12)


c)  They will flee away (Rev 20:11)


d) All the elements of the universe, known (e.g.- from Hydrogen to Lawrencium) and unknown, shall melt with fervent heat (2 Pet 3:10,12)


NOTE: The universe did not BEGIN with a “Big Bang”, but it will END with one, when an atomic explosion on a cosmic scale takes place by the word of the Lord (Heb 1:3; 2 Pet 3:7).


2)  There will be new heavens (Isa 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1)


NOTE: The “heavens” refer to the first heaven (earth’s atmosphere) and the second heaven (outer space).  The heavens could be the eternal home of the Gentiles (Deu 4:19)


     B)  GEOLOGY


           1)  The former earth will not be remembered or come to mind (Isa 65:17)


a)  It will pass away (Matt 24:35; Rev 21:1)


b)  It will be burned up (2 Pet 3:10)


c)  It will be dissolved (2 Pet 3:11)


d)  All the elements in the earth, known (e.g.- from Hydrogen to Lawrencium) and unknown shall melt with fervent heat (2 Pet 3:10,12)


e)  It will flee away (Rev 20:11)


  2)  There will be a new earth (Isa 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1)


               a)  The eternal home of the Jews (Deu 4:40; Est 8:2; Isa 60:21)


               b)  No need for the sun or moon (Isa 60:19-20)


               c)  No more sea (Rev 21:1)


               d)  No more curse (Rev 22:3)


1.      The earth will be a global garden of Eden and bring forth as it did before the Fall (Gen 1:11-12)


2.      No thorns and thistles (Gen 3:18)


3.      No work by the sweat of the brow (Gen 2:15; 3:19)


4.      No ferocity or fear among animals




           1)  The Jerusalem that now is will be burned up with the earth (2 Pet 3:10-12)


           2)  There will be a new Jerusalem (Isa 65:18; Gal 4:26; Rev 21:2,10)


a)  It is called the holy city (Rev 21:2), the holy Jerusalem (Rev 21:10), and the Lamb’s wife (Rev 21:9)


              b)  It will come down from God out of (the third) heaven (Rev 21:2,10)


c) It will either be located on the new earth (like the old Jerusalem), or above the new earth (like the moon) (Rev 21:2,10,23-24)


d) It will be the eternal home of the church (John 14:2; Gal 4:26; Rev 21:9), but all the saved will have access to it (Rev 21:24,26)


e)  Its appearance is glorious


1.  No temple within (Rev 21:22)


2.  Foursquare- shaped like a cube (house) or pyramid (mountain) (Rev 21:16)


3.  Its light is like a jasper stone (Rev 21:11)


4.  It will be “crystal clear” (Rev 21:11)


5.  It has a wall around it (Rev 21:12)


a.         It has 12 foundations with the names of the 12 apostles in them (Rev 21:14)


b.         It is 216 feet high (Rev 21:17)


c.         It is made of jasper (Rev 21:18)


d.         The 12 foundations are garnished with 12 precious stones (Rev 21:19-20)


6.  It has 12 gates (Rev 21:12)


a.         They are guarded by 12 angels (Rev 21:12)


b.         Each gate bears a name of one of the 12 tribes of Israel (Rev 21:12)


c.         They are made of pearl (Rev 21:21)


7.  The city and its street are pure gold like transparent glass (Rev 21:18,21)


8.  There will be a river flowing with the water of life (Rev 21:6; 22:1)


a.         It is clear as crystal (Rev 22:1)


b.         It proceeds out of the throne of God and the Lamb (Rev 22:1)


9.  The tree of life will be there (Rev 22:2)


a.         In the midst of the street and on either side of the river (Rev 22:2)


b.         It will bear twelve different fruits (probably one each month) (Rev 22:2)


c.         Its leaves will be used for healing (Rev 22:2)


NOTE: Could this refer to the eradication of the sin nature(Rev 22:14)?


   10.  It is 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide, 1500 miles high (Rev 21:16), which equates to 62,726,400,000,000 square feet and 49,679,309,000,000,000,000 cubic feet!  See: Map


                  11.  Light- Jesus Christ is the light


a.         It has no need of the sun or moon (Rev 21:23)


b.         There is no night there (Rev 21:25; 22:5)


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       1)  The universe will be filled with righteousness (2 Pet 3:13)


       2)  The universe will be filled with peace (Isa 9:7)


       3)  There will be eternal gladness and joy (Isa 65:18)     


       4)  There will be eternal glory to God (Eph 3:21)


       5)  The Lord will rejoice in Jerusalem and his people (Isa 65:19)


       6)  The former things will pass away (Rev 21:4)


             a)         No more sorrow (Rev 21:4)


             b)         No more crying (Isa 65:19; Rev 21:4)


             c)         No more pain (Rev 21:4)


             d)         No more death (1 Cor 15:26; Rev 20:14; 21:4)


NOTE: No single detail regarding the world without end has greater implications than this.


1.  Immortality for ALL creation (plant, animal, men)


2.  No more sin (nature)


NOTE: Since death is the wages of SIN, the elimination of death implies the elimination of sin from the universe.  Since sin is not simply an act, but a NATURE, the elimination of sin implies the eradication of the sin nature from all men.


3.  Men will be sons of God by PHYSICAL birth


4.  An unprecedented population explosion


5.  Life will populate the entire universe, not just the earth (Isa 9:7; Heb 1:2; 11:3)


a.         Israel may populate the new earth (Deu 4:40; Est 8:2; Isa 54:3; 60:21; Dan 7:18)


b.         Gentiles may populate the new heavens (Deu 4:19)


c.         The church will dwell in the new Jerusalem (Rev 21:9-10)


6.  There will be no aging process, only a maturing process


NOTE: There will probably not be any men who appear older than 33 ½ years old.


7)    God will dwell with men (Rev 21:3)


NOTE: Since the Fall, there has been a separation between God and man.  In the world without end, this separation will cease to exist. God will fellowship with all men as he did with Adam before the Fall.


8)    Men will behold the face of God (Rev 22:4)


          9)   The name of the Lord will be in the saints’ foreheads (Rev 22:4)



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NOTE:  The word day has many different meanings in the Bible.


1.         The 24 hours of one revolution of the earth on its axis (the natural day) (Gen 1:5,8,13,19,23,31)


2.         The space of time between the rising and setting of the sun (the artificial day) (John 9:4)


3.         Any period of time distinguished from another time (Gen 2:17; Pro 24:10; Ecc 7:1,14; Song 3:11)


4.         The time commemorating an event (Mal 3:2; Eph 4:30; Rev 6:17)


            A)        THE PROPHETIC DAYS (2 Pet 3:8) cf. (Gen 1:3-2:2)


                        1)         The seven days of creation picture the “week” of human history (7 days= 7,000 years)


                        2)         Based on the law of first mention, the fifth and seventh days are most notable


a)  The word life first appears on the fifth day (Gen 1:20); prophetically, the Lord Jesus Christ, the prince of life (Acts 3:15), appears after 4,000 years


b)  The word rested first appears on the seventh day (Gen 2:2); prophetically, the Millennium is a 1,000-year (i.e.-one day) rest (Heb 4:4,9) that follows 6,000 years of human history


                        3)         A significant Biblical character or event is associated with the fulfillment of each prophetic day

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            B)        THE LATTER/LAST DAYS (Isa 2:2; 2 Tim 3:1; Heb 1:2)


                        1)         It includes the First Coming of Christ (Heb 1:2)


                        2)         It includes the church (2 Tim 3:1)


                        3)         It includes the Millennium (Isa 2:2)


                        4)         It refers to prophetic days 5-7, from the First Coming of Christ to the end of the Millennium


            C)        THE DAY OF SALVATION (Isa 49:8; 2 Cor 6:2)


                        1)         It is the ACCEPTED time (Isa 49:8; 2 Cor 6:2)


                                    a)         It includes the time of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 60:2; Luke 4:19,21)


                                    b)         It is associated with salvation NOW (the time of the church) (2 Cor 6:2)


                                    c)         It is associated with the restoration and salvation of Israel (Isa 49:5-8)


                        2)         It refers to prophetic days 5-6, from the First Coming of Christ to the Second Coming of Christ

            D)        THE DAY OF REDEMPTION (Eph 4:30)


NOTE:   This refers to the Rapture, the day of the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:23).


            E)        THE DAY OF CHRIST (Phl 1:10; 2:16; 2 The 2:2)


                        1)         Other names


                                    a)         The day of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 1:8)


                                    b)         The day of the Lord Jesus (1 Cor 5:5; 2 Cor 1:14)


                                    c)         The day of Jesus Christ (Phl 1:6)


2)  It includes the Rapture (it is a time of blessing)


                                    a)         Rejoicing with fellow believers (2 Cor 1:14; Phl 2:16) cf. (1 The 2:19-20)


                                    b)         Consummation of the good work in us (Phl 1:6)


                        3)         It includes the Judgment Seat of Christ (it is a time of reward)


                                    a)         Being found blameless (1 Cor 1:8) cf. (Jude 24)


                                    b)         Saved from the results of sin (1 Cor 5:5) cf. (1 Cor 3:13-15)


                                    c)         Being without offense (Phl 1:10)


4)  It refers to at least the last seven years of prophetic day 6, from the Rapture to the Revelation     (2 The 2:2)


NOTE:  The word come in 2 Thessalonians 2:2 does not mean “arrive” or “begin”, but “complete”, as in the phrase, “COME to pass”.  Most “scholars” would have us to believe that the word Christ is a mistranslation.  They say the phrase, “the day of Christ” should have been translated as, “the day of the Lord”.  The word Christ is NOT a mistranslation, it is a transliteration of the Greek word cristos (i.e.- “Christos”).  The Greek word for “Lord” (i.e.- kurios) is not in the Greek text underlying the King James Bible, but in the corrupt Greek text. 


                        5)         It is approximately (or specifically) the same period of time as the Tribulation



                        1)         Other names   


                                    a)         The day of trouble (Isa 22:5; Eze 7:7; Zep 1:15)


                                    b)         The day of the Lord’s anger (Isa 13:13; Lam 1:12; Zep 2:2-3)


                                    c)         The day of vengeance (Pro 6:34; Isa 34:8; 61:2; 63:4; Jer 46:10)


                                    d)         The day of wrath (Job 21:30; Psa 110:5; Pro 11:4; Eze 7:19; Zep 1:15; Rom 2:5; Rev 6:17)

                                    e)         The day of visitation (Isa 10:3; 1 Pet 2:12)


                                    f)         The day of their (the Gentiles) calamity (Deu 32:35)            


                                    g)         The day of darkness (Job 15:23; Zep 1:15)


                                    h)         The day of destruction (Job 21:30)


                                    i)          The day of battle and war (Job 38:23)


                                    j)          The day of his coming (Mal 3:2)



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NOTE:  It is a great, terrible, dreadful, and notable day (Joel 2:11,31; Mal 4:5; Acts 2:20)


                        2)         Content


                                    a)         Associated with fear (Isa 2:10,12,19-21; Joel 2:1; Luke 21:26; Rev 6:15-17)


                                    b)         Associated with darkness (Joel 2:2; Amo 5:18,20; Zep 1:15)


                                    c)         Associated with vengeance (Isa 13:11; 34:8; Jer 46:10; Zep 1:7,14,18)


                                    d)         Associated with destruction (Isa 13:6; Joel 1:15)


                                    e)         Associated with wrath and fierce anger (Isa 13:9)


f)       Associated with clouds, thunder, earthquakes, great noise, storm, tempest, and fire (Isa 29:6;     Eze 30:3)

                        3)         Purpose

                                    a)         To lay the land desolate (Isa 13:9)

                                    b)         To destroy the sinners out of the land (Isa 13:9)

                                    c)         To avenge the Lord of all his adversaries (Jer 46:10)

                                    d)         To recompense the heathen (Oba 15)

                                    e)         To divide the spoil of the nations (Zec 14:1)

                        4)         Signs

                                    a)         Cosmic disturbances (Joel 2:31; Acts 2:20)

                                    b)         The arrival of Elijah (Mal 4:5)

5)           Duration


                                    a)         It begins unexpectedly (1 The 5:2) cf. (Matt 24:43)


                                    b)         It begins suddenly (Isa 13:8; 1 The 5:3)


                                                1.         It is at hand (Isa 13:6; Joel 1:15; Zep 1:7)


                                                2.         It is near (Eze 30:3; Joel 3:14; Oba 15; Zep 1:14)


                                                3.         It is nigh at hand (Joel 2:1)


                                    c)         It begins after the Rapture (1 The 5:4)


                                    d)         It includes the Second Coming of Christ and related events (see all preceding references)


                                    e)         It includes the Millennium, the time when the Lord alone is exalted (Isa 2:11,17)


                                    f)         It includes the purification of the heavens and earth (2 Pet 3:10)


                                    g)         It refers to prophetic day 7, from the Revelation to the Renovation


                                                1.         The time from the Revelation to the Renovation is approximately 1,000 years


                                                2.         A day with the Lord is as 1,000 years (2 Pet 3:8)


                                                3.         It begins with war and fire (Rev 19:11,15) and ends with war and fire (Rev 20:7-11)


                                    h)         It is approximately (or specifically) the same period of time as the Millennium








1)  It includes the judgment of Satan and his angels (Rev 20:10) cf. (John 16:11)


2)  It includes the renovation of the heavens and earth with fire (Rev 20:11) cf. (2 Pet 3:7)


3)  It includes the Great White Throne judgment (Rev 20:12-15) cf. (Matt 10:15; 11:22,24; 12:36; Mark 6:11; 2 Pet 2:9)


4)  It refers to the events that follow the Millennium but precede eternity


H)   THE DAY OF GOD (2 Pet 3:12)


NOTE:  Refers to an endless day, from the renovation of the heavens and earth throughout eternity (2 Pet 3:12)


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NOTE:  The word time means, “a measured portion of duration, whether past, present, or future; a season; a part of duration in distinction from other parts; an occurrence; addition of a number to itself; measure of sounds in music; the state of things at a particular period”.  The times can also refer to “years”, as is seen by comparing Daniel 7:25; 12:7 and Revelation 12:14 with Revelation 12:6.


            A)        TIME PAST


1)  A time when divine revelation was through the prophets (Heb 1:1), from Enoch (Jude 14), Abraham (Gen 20:7), and Moses (Deu 18:15,18; 34:10) to Malachi (Mark 1:2).


2)  A time when God permitted the nations to walk in their own ways (Acts 14:16)


3)  Extends from Eden to Christ


            B)        TIMES OF THIS IGNORANCE (Acts 17:30)


                        1)         A time associated with idolatry


                        2)         Ignorance due to no written law (Rom 2:12)


                        3)         Extends from Eden to Sinai


            C)        TIMES OF THE GENTILES (Luke 21:24)


                        1)         A time associated with Jewish captivity


              2)         A time associated with Gentile domination of Jerusalem


              3)         Extends from the Babylonian captivity (2 Kin 24:10-16) to the Second Coming of Christ (Dan 2:37-45; 7:3-9; Zec 12:8)


            D)        TIME OF REFORMATION (Heb 9:10)


                        1)         Reformation = “to put an end to by introducing a better method”


               2)        A time when the Old Testament sanctuary, sacrifices, and service were done away and revealed as mere figures of the true


                        3)         Occurred at Calvary


            E)        LATTER TIMES (1 Tim 4:1)


                        1)         A time associated with the church period


                        2)         A time of apostasy


                        3)         Could refer to prophetic days 5-6 or the latter years of prophetic day six




                        1)         A time associated with the Rapture (1 Pet 1:5)


                        2)         A time associated with the manifestation of many antichrists (1 John 2:18)


                        3)         Includes the time 1 John was written (90 A.D.) (1 John 2:18)


4)           Also called “the last days” (Jude 18) cf. (2 Pet 3:3-4)


5)           A time associated with uniformitarianism and mockers of the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ (2 Pet 3:3-4; Jude 18)


                        6)         Also called “perilous times” (Jude 18) cf. (2 Pet 3:3-4; 2 Tim 3:1)


                        7)         Refers to prophetic days 5-6 and could be in contrast to “time past” (Heb 1:1)




                        1)         A time of unprecedented persecution of the Jew (Jer 30:7) cf. (Dan 12:1)


                        2)         A time associated with the “Great Tribulation” (Jer 30:7; Dan 12:1) cf. (Matt 24:21)


                        3)         A time of unprecedented destruction (Matt 24:21-22)


                        4)         A time that ends with the salvation of Israel (Isa 33:2; Jer 30:7; Dan 12:1)


5)  Refers to the Tribulation, or Daniel’s 70th week, extending from the signing of a covenant between Israel and the Antichrist to the Second Coming of Christ (Dan 9:27)


      H)        TIME OF THE HEATHEN (Eze 30:3)


                        1)         A time associated with the day of the Lord


                        2)         A time associated with the end (Dan 11:35)


3)  As the seven-year Tribulation is the time of JACOB’S trouble (Jer 30:7), so the day of the Lord, specifically, the Second Coming of Christ and Armageddon, is the time of trouble for the GENTILES (Zep 1:14-15)


            I)         TIMES OF REFRESHING (Acts 3:19-21)


                        1)         A time associated with the national conversion of Israel


                        2)         A time associated with the Second Coming of Christ


                        3)         Also called, “the times of the restitution of all things”


                        4)         A time of rest (Isa 28:12)


                        5)         Refresh = “to give new strength to; to invigorate; to relieve; the result of rest” (Exo 31:17)


                        6)         Restitution = “the act of recovering a former state”


                        7)         Refers to the Millennial kingdom of Christ

            J)         THE FULLNESS OF TIMES (Eph 1:10)


                        1)         A time in which all things are gathered together in Christ


                        2)         Refers to eternity (1 Cor 15:25-28)



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1.         The word dispensation appears four times in the Bible (1 Cor 9:17; Eph 1:10; 3:2; Col 1:25), and is

translated from the Greek word oikonomia, which transliterated is economy.


2.         The word is also translated as "stewardship" three times (Luke 16:2-4).


3.  A dispensation can be defined as, "a period of time during which man is tested in respect of obedience to some specific revelation of the will of God" (Scofield Reference Bible, p.5). Another definition is, "a stewardship, administration, oversight, or management of others' property that involves responsibility, accountability, and faithfulness on the part of the steward" (Charles Ryrie, Dispensationalism Today, p. 25,29).


4.  There are eight dispensations in the Bible and, with the exception of the eighth, they all have a particular testing that ends in failure, with a subsequent judgment of God. 


5. See chart: "The Ages, Worlds, Cataclysms, and Dispensations" at the end of the book




            A)        DURATION


The dispensation of innocence extends from the creation of man to the fall of man (Gen 1:26-3:24).


            B)        RESPONSIBILITY


Under this dispensation, man was responsible for obeying the DIRECT law of God, contained in the one simple command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:16-17).


            C)        RESULT


Man failed by willfully disobeying the command of God in eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 3:6).


            D)        JUDGMENT


God told man that the consequence of disobedience would be DEATH (Gen 2:17) because the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23; Jam 1:15).  This death is immediately SPIRITUAL death (Gen 3:7), eventually PHYSICAL death (Gen 3:19), and eternally the SECOND death (Rev 20:14). The only way to avoid spiritual death and the second death is REGENERATION.  The only way to avoid physical death is the RAPTURE.




            A)        DURATION


The dispensation of conscience extends from the fall of man to the Flood (Gen 3:24-8:19).




Under this dispensation, man was responsible for obeying the MORAL law of God written in his heart as witnessed by his conscience (Rom 1:19; 2:15). The word conscience means, "to know; internal self-knowledge; knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong".  Beginning with this dispensation and extending through the dispensation of the kingdom, man can only approach God through a blood sacrifice (Heb 9:22).  From the fall to Calvary it is the continual blood sacrifice of "lambs" (Gen 3:21; 4:4;        Heb 10:4), but since Calvary it is the once for all blood sacrifice of "the Lamb" (John 1:29; Heb 10:10;    1 Pet 1:18-19).


            C)        RESULT


Man failed by imagining his own approach to God (Gen 4:3; 6:5).  His failure to obey the voice of conscience resulted in overt wickedness, violence, corruption, and ungodliness on a global scale (Gen 6:1-13).


            D)        JUDGMENT


The destruction of all flesh by the Flood (Gen 7:11-8:14).  Only eight people, Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives (Gen 7:7,13; 1 Pet 3:20), a pair (male and female) of each unclean animal (Gen 6:19), and seven pairs (male and female) of clean animals (Gen 7:2) were spared in the ark.




            A)        DURATION


The dispensation of human government extends from the Flood to the call of Abraham (Gen 8:20-12:1).


            B)        REPSONSIBILITY


Under this dispensation, God ordained the institution of human government with the authority of capital punishment for capital crimes (Gen 9:5-6).  Man was responsible for obeying the CIVIL law based on the rule of man under God. 


            C)        RESULT


Man failed by seeking to establish a global government at Babel under the rule of one man, Nimrod. Nimrod was a prolific hunter who quickly became the hero, champion, and idol of the world (Gen 10:8). He rebelled against God (Gen 10:9) and sought to exalt himself as the supreme ruler of the world and object of worship.  He was responsible for the proliferation of idolatry (Isa 10:10) and the construction of the infamous tower of Babel, that signified man's unified defiance to God (Gen 11:4).


            D)        JUDGMENT


In order to spoil the plan for a global government without God, the Lord confounded the language of all the earth.  When men could not understand each other, they ceased building the city and separated from each other based on language (Gen 11:7-9).  The word Babel means, "confusion".





            A)        DURATION


The dispensation of promise extends from the call of Abraham to the giving of the law (Gen 12:1-       Exo 19:7).


            B)        RESPONSIBILITY


This dispensation signifies a dramatic change in God's dealing with man. Instead of dealing with man as a whole as he previously had, he now chooses one man out from all men with which to make a covenant and establish a holy nation. That man was Abraham and that nation was Israel.  God would deal primarily with the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but also all men through them. This dispensation is exclusively Jewish, and under it Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants had to merely abide in the promises of God to inherit blessings (Gen 12:2-3; 15:18; 17:8; 22:17-18).  By their faith in the promises of God, and subsequent receipt of blessings, they would serve as an example and light to the whole world of God's grace and goodness. 


            C)        RESULT


Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants all failed to abide in the promises of God at one time or another (Gen 12:10; 16:3-4; 26:6; 27:19-25). The children of Israel became increasingly self-righteous because of their privileged position with God.  This is most evident by their declaration that they would keep all the commandments of God (Exo 19:8). 


            D)        JUDGMENT


A partial, yet substantial, judgment for not abiding in the promises of God was the bondage in Egypt   (Exo 1:11-14).  The ultimate judgment, however, was being placed under the law.




            A)        DURATION


The dispensation of law extended from the giving of the law to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Exo 20:1-Matt 28:6).  In other words, it extended from Mt. Sinai to Mt. Calvary. There are some who believe the dispensation of law ended with the ministry of John the Baptist based on Luke 16:16: "The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached." However, by comparing this verse with the parallel passage in Matthew 11:12, it is clear that the statement does not refer to dispensations, but to divine revelation.  The law and the prophets (i.e.- the Old Testament) were the only source of divine revelation for approximately 400 years, before John the Baptist begins preaching the gospel of the kingdom.  Dispensationally speaking, the ministries of John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ took place under the law. This is clearly seen in that the Lord charged the lepers he healed to show themselves to the priests and give an offering for their cleansing, according to the law (Luke 5:12-14; 17:12-14). Although much of what the Lord preached during his earthly ministry is applicable today, particularly the teachings in the gospel of John, they did not take effect until his death and resurrection.


            B)        RESPONSIBILITY


Like the dispensation of promise, this dispensation is exclusively Jewish.  Although the moral law of God is written in the hearts of all men, the Mosaic law was given to Israel only, not the Gentiles (Rom 2:14). Under this dispensation, every Israelite was responsible for obeying the MOSAIC law, including strict adherence to all the moral, civil, and ceremonial details of the law.


            C)        RESULT


Israel failed on two counts.  First, they failed to keep all the details of the law.  They broke the moral law primarily by their idolatry, the civil law by not executing capital offenders and marriage with the Canaanite, and the ceremonial law by offering blemished sacrifices. At best, there were those like the Pharisees who were outwardly righteous, but inwardly wicked (Matt 23:27-28); and at worst, there were those who seemingly violated every law. Second, they failed in that they did not confess their inability to keep the law.  The law was not given to justify man, but to condemn him and bring him to Christ         (Gal 3:24). If the Jew were sincere in his effort to keep the law he would realize his complete inability to keep such a holy law, and plead for mercy from God. Israel's rebellion and self-righteousness was climaxed by their pleading for the execution of their Messiah.


            D)        JUDGMENT


The judgment for continually violating the law of God was the captivities and global dispersion (Deu 28:63-64).  The 10 northern tribes were taken captive by the Assyrians in approximately 721 B.C. (2 Kin 17:6), and the two southern tribes were taken captive by the Babylonians in approximately 587 B.C.       (2 Kin 25:21). Although Israel became a nation again in 1948, there are still more Jews living in other parts of the world than in Israel today.  In this sense, the dispersion continues, and will continue until the Second Coming of Christ (Matt 24:31).



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            A)        DURATION


The dispensation of grace extends from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to the Second Coming of Christ (Matt 28:6- Rev 19:21).  In other words, it extends from Mt. Calvary to Mt. Olivet.  As previously mentioned, there are those who believe the dispensation of grace began with John the Baptist based on the wording of Luke 16:16.  But Luke 16:16 is not a dispensational statement, it is a statement regarding divine revelation.  The dispensation of grace could not begin until the death of Jesus Christ based on Hebrews 9:17.  Grace may have been preached and taught, but how could it take effect until the very foundation was laid? God extended grace throughout the Old Testament, but nothing like he does today to the sinner who repents and puts faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior.  This grace was made possible only by the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  


            B)        RESPONSIBILITY


Under this dispensation, man is responsible for obeying the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ. To obey the gospel is to believe the gospel (Rom 10:16-17), and the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for our sins according to the scriptures (1 Cor 15:3-4).  The church has been commissioned with the responsibility of preaching the gospel (Matt 28:19; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8; Rom 10:13-14), but every man is accountable for what they do with Jesus Christ whether the gospel is preached or not.  



Man has failed by rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.  Although the church has become lukewarm (Rev 3:14-19) and failed to carry out the Great Commission, Christ has been rejected even in places where the gospel is preached. Man's failure in this dispensation will culminate in his acceptance and worship of the Antichrist as God (Rev 13:8).


            D)        JUDGMENT


The Tribulation is a 7-year period of judgment upon Israel (Jer 30:7; Dan 12:2) and all the world        (Rev 3:10).  The consummation of this judgment is the Second Coming of Christ and the battle of Armageddon (Rev 14:18-20; 16:16; 19:11-21), where those who obey not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will be burned with fire (2 The 1:7-9).






The dispensation of the kingdom extends from the Second Coming of Christ to the purification of the heavens earth (Rev 20:1-15).  In other words, it extends from the Revelation to the Renovation. 




Under this dispensation, man will be responsible for obeying MESSIANIC law.  Men will experience distinct advantages during this dispensation. First, for those who must "see it to believe it" (John 20:25), the Lord Jesus Christ will be present on the earth, reigning from the throne of David at Jerusalem (Isa 9:6-7; Eze 48:35; Luke 1:32). If anyone were to question who the Lord Jesus Christ is, or what he did on the cross, the miracles they will witness the Lord perform (Isa 35:5-10) and the nail prints in his hands they will see (Zec 13:6) should convince them.  Those who believe man is solely a product of his environment will not be able to complain because everyone will be raised in a godly environment (Isa 11:9) where the Lord will rule with a rod of iron (Psa 2:9; Dan 2:44; Rev 12:5; 19:15).  No one will be able to say, "the devil made me do it" because the devil and all his minions will be in the bottomless pit for the entire 1,000 years (Zec 13:2; Rev 20:2-3).  In addition, glorified saints will be evidence of God's grace, and a visible lake of fire on the earth will be evidence of God's wrath (Isa 66:24).




In spite of all the advantages of this dispensation, man will once again fail.  Although the Lord Jesus Christ will rule with a rod of iron and no overt rebellion will be tolerated, there will be rebellion in the hearts of many men throughout the dispensation (Isa 26:10).  So much so, that when Satan is loosed from the bottomless pit at the end of the 1,000 years, the rebels who side with him number as the sand of the sea in multitude (Rev 20:7-8).




The judgment will consist of fire coming down from God out of heaven and devouring all the rebels (Rev 20:9). 







The dispensation of holiness extends from the new heavens and new earth throughout eternity (Rev 21:1- eternity). 



Since sin and death are eradicated with the judgment of Satan, the Great White Throne judgment, and the purification of the heavens and earth (Rev 20:11-15), the universe will be filled with the saints of God.  Consequently, man's responsibility will be to love, serve, and worship the Lord for all eternity (Rev 21:24,26; 22:3).




Since there is no test in this dispensation, the result is simply the realization of eternal life for all the saints.




None, there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1).


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1.  The word covenant means, "a mutual consent or agreement of two or more persons; a contract; a formal agreement; a testament" (Heb 9:1,15).


2.  There are eight covenants in the Bible: (1) the Edenic covenant; (2) the Adamic covenant; (3) the Noahic covenant; (4) the Abrahamic covenant; (5) the Mosaic covenant; (6) the Palestinian covenant; (7) the Davidic covenant; and (8) the New covenant.


3.  Some covenants are CONDITIONAL, meaning, the recipient must do something BEFORE God will bestow upon him the promised blessings and benefits of the covenant.


4.  Some covenants are UNCONDITIONAL, meaning, God promises to bestow blessings and benefits upon the recipient BECAUSE of his position before God.


5.  Many, but not all, covenants initiate and govern a dispensation, and have a token or sign.




A) THE EDENIC COVENANT (Gen 1:28-31; 2:8-17)


Theme: Goodness




a. Man’s duties explained

(1) Parental

(2) Pastoral

b. Man’s diet explained

c. Man’s dominion explained




The Edenic covenant initiated and governed the dispensation of innocence.  The six elements of this covenant specify man's responsibility under it.


1.         To replenish the earth with children (Gen 1:28)


2.         To subdue the earth (use it for his physical necessities) (Gen 1:28)


3.         To have dominion over the animal creation (Gen 1:28)


4.         To eat fruit and vegetables (Gen 1:29)


5.         To dress and keep the garden of Eden (Gen 2:15)


6.         To obey God by not eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:16-17)


Adam's failure to keep this covenant by disobeying God and eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil resulted in man's expulsion from the garden and the fall of the human race from a state of innocence to sinfulness.




Theme: Guilt




a. Doom pronounced

(1) The Curse

(a) On the serpent

(b) On the soil

(2) The Calamity

(a) Sorrow and Subservience for the woman

(b) Sorrow and Sweat for the man

b. Death proclaimed

c. Deliverance prophesied

(1) The First Prediction of a Savior

(2) The First Provision of a substitute




The Adamic covenant initiated and governed the dispensation of conscience, but also conditions the life of fallen man.  There are two main elements of this covenant, the judgments and the promise.


            1)         The Judgments

                         a)         THE SERPENT

                                     1.         The animal (the instrument of deception) (Gen 3:14)

                                                 a.         Cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field

                                                 b.         Move upon its belly (loss of limbs and/or wings)

                              c.         Eat dust all its days

                                     2.         The devil (the indwelling deceiver) (Gen 3:15)

                                                 a.         Enmity with the woman

                              b.         Enmity between his seed and the woman's seed (Christ)

                              c.         Ultimate defeat by the woman's seed (Christ)

                         b)         THE WOMAN (Gen 3:16)

                                     1.         Multiplied conception

                                     2.         Bring forth children in sorrow

                                     3.         Headship of the husband

                         c)         THE MAN

                                     1.         Cursed ground (Gen 3:17)

                                     2.         Eat of the ground in sorrow all his days (Gen 3:17)

                                     3.         Thorns and thistles (Gen 3:18)

                                     4.         Burdensome labor to get food (Gen 3:19)

                                     5.         Physical death (Gen 3:19)


            2)         The Promise


The promise that there would one day be a redeemer, who would be of the seed of the woman (virgin born), and would ultimately defeat the serpent (Satan) and reverse the effects of the fall of man (Gen 3:15). This is the first promise and prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ.




Theme: Government




a. Regarding the Severity of God

b. Regarding the Sovereignty of man

c. Regarding the Stability of nature


a. The New Diet for man

b. The New Discipline for man


a. Spiritual Preeminence- Shem

b. Secular Preeminence- Japheth

c. Significant Silence- Ham

d. Solemn Sentence- Canaan


The Noahic covenant initiated and governed the dispensation of human government. There are seven elements of this covenant.


1.         Confirmation of the commission under the Edenic covenant to replenish the earth (Gen 9:1)


2.         The fear of man in every beast of the earth, fowl of the air, and fish of the sea (Gen 9:2)


3.         Permission to eat meat as well as fruits and vegetables (Gen 9:3)


4.         Institution of human government with authorization for capital punishment (Gen 9:5-6)


5.         Promise not to destroy the earth again by a flood (Gen 9:11)


6.         The rainbow as a token of the covenant (Gen 9:13-17)


7.         Prophetic declarations regarding the races embodied in the three sons of Noah (Gen 9:25-27)




A) THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT (Gen 12:1-4; 13:14-17; 15:1-18; 17:1-8)


Theme: Promise




a. Secular provisions

(1) A Place

(2) A Posterity

b. Spiritual provisions

(1) Personal

(2) Positional


a. Prosperity- for those who bless

b. Punishment- for those who curse



The Abrahamic covenant initiated and governed the dispensation of promise.  It was given to Abraham (Gen 12:1-3; 13:15-16; 15:5,18-21; 17:1-4; 22:16-18) and confirmed to Isaac (Gen 26:1-4) and Jacob (Gen 28:13-14; 35:10-12). The Abrahamic covenant is unconditional and everlasting (Gen 17:7,13), and was not voided by the law (Gal 3:17). In addition, the unfulfilled promises have not passed on to the church, but await literal future fulfillment. There are twelve elements to this covenant.


1.         "Thou shalt be a father of many nations" (Gen 17:4,6)


            a.         God changed his name from Abram ("high father") to Abraham ("father of many") (Gen 17:5)


            b.         These "many nations" are likened to the "dust of the earth" in number (Gen 13:16)


        c.  The "dust of the earth" represents a physical seed, fulfilled in all of Abraham's physical posterity, including Ishmael and his descendants (Gen 16:10; 17:20; 25:12-18), Isaac and his descendants (Gen 25:19-23), and Keturah's sons and their descendants (Gen 25:1-4)


2.         "I will make of thee a great nation" (Gen 12:2)


a.  This "great nation" is likened to the "sand upon the seashore" (Gen 22:17) and the "stars of the heaven" (Gen 15:5; 22:17) in number


b.  The "sand upon the seashore" (Gen 22:17) represents a specific physical seed, fulfilled in the nation of ISRAEL


c.  The "stars of the heaven" (Gen 15:5; 22:17) represent a spiritual seed, fulfilled in all those who put faith in the Lord, including Christians (Rom 4:16; Gal 3:7,29)


3.         "I will bless thee" (temporally and spiritually) (Gen 12:2)


Temporally, Abraham was very rich (Gen 13:2; 24:1,35) and spiritually, he was considered a "friend of God" (2 Chr 20:7; Isa 41:8; Jam 2:23).


4.         "I will…make thy name great" (Gen12:2)


Abraham is one of the most prominent names in the three monotheistic religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.


5.         "Thou shalt be a blessing" (Gen 12:2)


6.         "I will bless them that bless thee" (Gen 12:3)


7.         "I will…curse him that curseth thee" (Gen 12:3)


History verifies that God blesses both individuals and nations who bless the Jew and curses individuals and nations who curse them.  This will be more evident at the judgment of the nations (Matt 25:31-46).


8.         "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Gen 12:3; 22:18)


Fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ (Gal 3:16).


9.         "Kings shall come out of thee" (Gen 17:6)


Many kings descended from Abraham, but none greater than the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 1:1).


10. "Thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies" (Gen 22:17)


This is a promise regarding the ultimate national supremacy of Israel (Deu 28:13; Isa 60:14).


11. "Unto thy seed have I given this land" (Gen 13:15; 15:18-21; 17:8)


The borders of the promised land are given in Genesis 15:18-21.  It is important to note that Israel has never possessed all this land, even under the reigns of David and Solomon.  This promise will be fulfilled during the Millennial kingdom.


12. Circumcision is the token of the covenant (Gen 17:9-14)


B)        THE MOSAIC COVENANT (Exo 20)


Theme: Precept




a. The Basic Expression of the law

(1) Godward

(2) Manward

b. The Broad Expansion of the law

(1) National Righteousness- the moral law

(a) Personal behavior

(b) Public behavior

(c) Political behavior

(2) National Religion- the ceremonial law

(a) The Sanctuary

(b) The Service

(c) The Sacrifices

(d) The Sabbaths


a. Its Repeated warnings

b. Its Righteous wages




The Mosaic covenant initiated and governed the dispensation of law.  It is a conditional covenant, requiring obedience, given to the nation of Israel in three divisions.


1.         The commandments (MORAL law) (Exo 20:1-26)


2.         The judgments (CIVIL law) (Exo 21:1-24:18)


3.         The ordinances (CEREMONIAL law) (Exo 25:1-40:38)


            a.         The tabernacle/temple


            b.         The priesthood


            c.         The sacrifices


The token of the Mosaic covenant is the sabbath (Exo 20:8; Neh 9:14; Eze 20:12,20).




Theme: Possession




a. Wealth

b. Worship

c. Witness


a. Its Causes

b. Its Continuance

(1) Disease

(2) Drought

(3) Defeat

(4) Deportation

(5) Dread


a. Israel Repentant

b. Israel Regathered

c. Israel Regenerated

d. Israel Reigning


The Palestinian covenant gives the conditions under which Israel entered the land of promise.  The word "if" appears ten times in Deuteronomy 28-30 (28:1-2,9,13,15,58; 30:4,10,17) proving it is a conditional covenant.  There are two main elements to this covenant.


1.         If the nation rebels, then they will be removed and dispersed among the nations (Deu 28:63-68; 30:1)


2.         If the nation repents while in dispersion, then rewards will follow (Deu 30:2)


            a.         Return of the Lord (Deu 30:3)


            b.         Restoration to the land (Deu 30:3-5)


            c.         Regeneration of the heart (Deu 30:6)


            d.         Retribution upon enemies (Deu 30:7)


            e.         Riches (Deu 30:9)


            f.          Rejoicing of the Lord (Deu 30:9)


Although Israel has yet to possess the entire land promised to Abraham (Gen 15:18-21), their disobedience in the land they did possess resulted in their dispersion represented by the period of time called, the "times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24). Although Israel is an independent nation today, they are technically still in dispersion and times of the Gentiles will continue until the Second Coming of Christ. Israel will repent at the Second Coming of Christ and fulfill the conditions of the Palestinian covenant.




Theme: Messianic




a. A Promised seed

b. A Perpetual sovereignty

(1) The King

(a) His Heavenly throne- the throne of God

(b) His Human throne- the throne of David

(2) The Kingdom


a. The Constant factor

b. The Conditional factor


The Davidic covenant is an unconditional covenant containing four promises.


1.  The promise that the Lord will establish the kingdom and throne of the son of David (2 Sam 7:12-13;  1 Chr 17:11-12)


This was partially fulfilled in Solomon (1 Kin 2:12), but will be completely fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of David (Isa 9:7; Matt 1:1).


2.         The promise that the son of David will build the house of the Lord (2 Sam 17:13; 1 Chr 17:12)


This was also partially fulfilled in Solomon (1 Kin 8:18-20), but will be completely fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ (Zec 6:12; Acts 15:16).


3.  The promise that disobedience will result in chastisement, but not in mercy being taken away (2 Sam 7:14-15; 1 Chr 17:13; Psa 89:30-37).


4.  The promise of perpetuity of a Davidic house, kingdom, and throne (2 Sam 7:16; 1 Chr 17:14).


The fourth promise does not guarantee a king always WILL sit on the throne, but that a king always CAN. Although Israel has been without a king on the throne for approximately 2600 years (Hos 3:4), the Lord Jesus Christ has been the "king in waiting" since his birth.  When he ascends the throne of David at his Second Coming (Luke 1:32), he will reign forever (Rev 11:15).




THE NEW COVENANT (Jer 31:31-34; Heb 8:8-12; 10:16-17)


Theme: Prophetic




a. Pledged by the word of God

b. Procured by the work of Christ



a. The Stated beneficiaries

b. The Subsequent beneficiaries


The New covenant is a covenant made primarily with Israel (Jer 31:31; Heb 8:8).  It is contrasted to the Mosaic covenant (Jer 31:32; Heb 8:9), and is said to be a "better covenant" because it has a better MEDIATOR (Jesus Christ instead of Moses) and better promises (unconditional instead of conditional) (Heb 8:6).  The New covenant has four elements.


1.         The word of God will be written in their minds and hearts (Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10)


2.         The Lord will be their God and they shall be his people (Jer 31:33; Heb 8:10)


3.         Universal knowledge of the Lord (Jer 31:34; Heb 8:11)


4.         All sins forgiven and forgotten forever (Jer 31:34; Heb 8:12)


This covenant is unconditional and gracious because it is based on the finished work of Jesus Christ. It obviously awaits fulfillment at the Second Coming of Christ when Israel will be converted to the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-20).  It is important to note however, that the first and fourth elements of this covenant apply to Christians today.  This is implied in Hebrews 10:16-17, where the "them" the new covenant is made with in v.16 is identified as "them that are sanctified" in v.14.  Christians are positionally sanctified (1 Cor 6:11), and our sins certainly are forgiven and forgotten forever.




The Lord Jesus Christ is associated with all eight covenants as indicated in the chart below.





The last Adam, or second man (1 Cor 15:45,47)


The seed of the woman (Gen 3:15; Gal 4:4)


The greatest son of Shem with the most special relationship with God (Col 2:9)


The son of Abraham; seed to whom the promises were made (Matt 1:1; Gal 3:16)


Regarding the moral and civil law, he lived a sinless life (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Pet 2:22); regarding the ceremonial law, he is the high priest and sacrifice (Heb 7:27)


Lived obediently in the land (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Pet 2:22)


The son of David who will build the house of the Lord and reign forever (Isa 9:7; Zec 6:12; Matt 1:1; Rev 11:15)


The Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world (John 1:29)


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1.  The word baptism and it’s various forms (e.g.- baptist, baptize) is an English transliteration of the Greek word, "baptidzo" and it’s root "bapto" which means, “to make overwhelmed as with a fluid, to cover wholly, to dip, to dye, to immerse, to cleanse or purify by washing”.


2.  The Greek word and it’s various forms is TRANSLITERATED into the following words: “baptism” (22 times), “baptisms” (once), “Baptist” (14 times), “Baptist’s” (once), “baptize” (9 times), “baptized” (57 times), “baptizeth”       (twice), “baptizest” (once), and “baptizing” ( 4 times).


3.  The Greek word and it’s various forms is TRANSLATED into the following words: “wash” (once), “washed” (once), “washing” (twice), “washings” (once), “dip” (once), and “dipped” (twice).


4.  Whether the Greek word is transliterated or translated, the word never denotes sprinkling.  In cases where pouring/anointing is involved, there is total and complete contact not partial.  The mode of every baptism is IMMERSION as evidenced by:


a.     The need for much water (John 3:23)


b.    The fact that the participants came up out of the water (Matt 3:16; Mark 1:10; Acts 8:38)


c.     The association of the word baptize with the words "buried" (Rom 6:4), "planted" (Rom 6:5), "under" (1 Cor 10:1), and "through" (1 Cor 10:1)


5.  Although we think of WATER when we hear the word baptism, it is important to realize that water baptism is not the only baptism of the Bible (Heb 6:2). The reason why Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, liberal Protestants, and the Church/Disciples of Christ teach the heresy of baptismal regeneration is because they assume the word "baptism" always means WATER baptism (1 Cor 12:13); and the word "water" or "wash" always means BAPTISM (John 3:5; Tit 3:5; Heb 10:22).


6.         It is important to note that all of the seven baptisms occur only ONCE.


I)         THE BAPTISM OF JOHN  (Matt 3:11)




1)  JOHN THE BAPTIST (Matt 3:6,11; Mark 1:4-5,8-9; Luke 3:7,16; John 1:26,31,33; 10:40;    Acts 1:5; 11:16; 19:4)


2)  THE DISCIPLES OF JESUS (John 3:22,26; 4:2)




           1)  JEWISH BELIEVERS


              a)       Those who received remission of sins through repentance (Matt 3:11; Mark 1:4; Acts 13:24and confession (Matt 3:6; Mark 1:5)


b)      Those who brought forth fruits meet for repentance (Matt 3:8; Luke 3:8-14)


c)       Those who justified (the counsel of) God (Luke 7:29-30)


d)      Disciples (John 4:1; Acts 19:1,3)


  2)  JESUS CHRIST (Matt 3:13; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21)




This baptism is with WATER (Matt 3:6,11,16; Mark 1:5,8-10; Luke 3:16; John 1:26,31,33; Acts 1:5; 11:16).


      D)  AIM


1)           It was from heaven as part of the counsel of God (Matt 21:25; Mark 11:30; Luke 7:29-30; 20:4)


2)           To manifest the Messiah to Israel (John 1:31)


3)           As outward evidence of an inward fact; as a public testimony that the individual received remission of sins through repentance (Matt 3:2-6), in preparation for the coming kingdom, and later, that they believed Jesus Christ was the Messiah (Acts 19:4)


To the Jew, the degree of bodily cleanliness was indicative of the degree of spiritual cleanliness (Matt 23:25-28; Mark 7:2-5; John 2:6); therefore, baptism indicated a complete spiritual cleansing (Acts 22:16).                                               


4)      Jesus Christ subjected himself to the baptism of John in order to fulfill all righteousness (Matt 3:15). 


Jesus' baptism did not picture a spiritual cleansing, but the fact that he was spiritually clean. Baptism is evidence of a right standing with God.  Jesus Christ had a perfect standing with God as a man because he lived a sinless life (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Pet 2:22).


NOTE: The baptism of John began with the ministry of John the Baptist (Matt 3:1-6) and concluded with the death and resurrection of Christ (Acts 18:25-26; 19:1-5).


II)        THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST            (Matt 3:11)




Jesus Christ is the one who performs this baptism (Matt 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33)




This baptism is given to ALL BELIEVERS once, at salvation (Acts 1:5; 11:15-17). Believers are those who obey God (Acts 5:32) and the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom 10:16).  They are likened to HIS WHEAT that is gathered into the garner (Matt 3:12; Luke 3:17), as opposed to the chaff that is burned with unquenchable fire.            




This baptism is with the Holy Spirit (Matt 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16). It is equivalent to the Holy Spirit coming/falling UPON the believer (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5)(Acts 10:44; 11:15-16), the believer RECEIVING the Holy Spirit (ACTS 8:15-16; 10:44,47; 19:2,6), and being ANOINTED with the Holy Spirit (Luke 3:22; Acts 10:38) cf. (2 Cor 1:21; 1 John 2:27).


      D)  AIM


            1)         TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 1:4-5; 2:3-4; 8:15-16; 10:44-47; 11:15-16; 19:2,6)                        


   2)         TO RECEIVE POWER (Luke 24:49; Acts 10:38)


           a)  To perform miracles and signs  (Num 11:25; Jud 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 14:6,19; 15:14; 1 Sam 10:10; 11:6-7; Acts 2:43; 4:30; 5:12; 14:3; Rom 15:19)


During Old Testament times, the Holy Spirit came UPON men to enable them to perform great feats as evidence that God was with them. From approximately 30-70 A.D., the apostles performed miracles and signs as confirmation to the Jews (John 4:48; 1 Cor 1:22) that their message and ministry was of God (Mark 16:20). These apostolic signs (Mark 16:17-18; 2 Cor 12:12) ceased with the completion of the New Testament scripture (1 Cor 13:10). These signs are counterfeited within the church today by Satan to get sincere but naïve Christians to place their faith in experiences and feelings, rather than the word of God. The apostolic signs may be manifest again in the Tribulation by the 144,000 witnesses.


                          b)  To be a witness for Christ (Acts 1:8; 4:33; 1 Cor 2:4; 1 The 1:5)


            c)  To live the holy life God has called us to live (2 Cor 12:9-10; 2 Tim 1:7)


3)             TO BE ANOINTED AS A PROPHET (Rev 19:10), PRIEST (Heb 13:15-16; 1 Pet 2:9), and KING  (Rev 1:6)


NOTE: It is important to distinguish the BAPTISM of the Holy Ghost from the FILLING of the Holy Spirit.


THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST                                        THE FILLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT


1.         The Holy Spirit comes upon and in the believer                     1.         The Holy Spirit abides within the believer

2.         Occurs once at salvation                                                       2.         Occurs many times after salvation

3.         All believers experience the baptism                                      3.         Not all believers experience the filling

4.         The believer receives the Holy Spirit                                     4.         The believer yields to the Holy Spirit

5.         Imparts the power to live the Christian life                             5.         Implements the power to live the Christian life

6.         Associated with the anointing                                                6.         Not associated with the anointing


NOTE: Through regeneration the believer has an AFFECTION to do the will of God, but through the baptism of the Holy Ghost he has the ABILITY to do the will of God. The baptism of the Holy Ghost IMPARTS the power to do the will of God, while being filled with the Holy Spirit IMPLEMENTS the power to do the will of God.



III) THE BAPTISM OF FIRE        (Matt 3:11)


      A)        ADMINISTRATOR            


Jesus Christ is the one who performs this baptism (Matt 3:11; Luke 3:16).


      B)        APPLICANT


          1)           ALL UNBELIEVERS


a)       Those likened to chaff burned with unquenchable fire (Matt 3:12; Luke 3:17) cf. (Mark 9:44)


b)      The workers of iniquity (Matt 7:23)


c)       The cursed (Matt 25:41)


d)      Those that know not God and obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ (2 The 1:8-9)


e)       Those whose names are not written in the book of life (Rev 20:15)




3)           SATAN AND HIS ANGELS (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10)


     C)        APPLICATION


This baptism is with FIRE (Matt 3:11; Luke 3:16). There are those who teach that the baptism of fire is the same as the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  There are two proofs given for this teaching. First, it is alleged that, since both baptisms are mentioned in Matthew 3:11, but the baptism of fire is omitted in Mark 1:8, they must be one and the same.  But it is clear from the context of Matthew 3:11 that the two baptisms are contrasted to each other.  Second, it is alleged that when the disciples were baptized with the Holy Ghost in Acts 2, they were baptized with fire since cloven tongues of fire came upon them.  But Acts 2:3 says the cloven tongues were, “LIKE as of fire”.  In other words, they had the appearance of fire, but were not a literal fire.  The baptism of fire is with literal fire. It occurs at the Second Coming of Christ (Isa 30:33; 2 The 1:7-9; 2:8; Rev 19:15,21), during the Millennium (Isa 34:8-10; 66:24; Mark 9:42-49), at the judgment of Satan (Rev 20:10), and at the Great White Throne judgment (Rev 20:11-15). It is not the baptism of the Holy Ghost or a "trial by fire", but eternal damnation in the lake of fire. 


     D)         AIM


                        1)         TO ELIMINATE SIN FOREVER (Rev 21:27)


                        2)         TO ETERNALLY PUNISH UNBELIEVERS (2 The 1:9; Rev 14:10-11)                                     


IV) THE BAPTISM OF SUFFERING      (Matt 20:22-23)


            A)        ADMINISTRATOR


God the Father is the one who performs this baptism (Isa 53:6, 10).


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             B)        APPLICANT


                        1)         JESUS CHRIST (Matt 20:22-23; Mark 10:38-39; Luke 12:50)


              2)           BELIEVERS (Matt 20:23; Mark 10:39)


            C)        APPLICATION


                        1)         SUFFERING (Matt 16:21; 20:18-23; Mark 10:33-39)


               2)         JUDGMENT OF GOD (Christ only) (Psa 69:1-2,14-15; Isa 53:6; Luke 12:50)


For Christ, this baptism occurred during his earthly life and ministry (Matt 20:22-23; Mark 10:38-39), but also in eternal intensity when he suffered on the cross for our sins (Matt 27:46; LUKE 12:50). His suffering is likened to a man drowning (Psa 69:1-2,14-15). For believers, this baptism occurs as part of our walk with Christ as we live godly (2 Tim 3:12; 1 Pet 4:13-16).


             D)        AIM


                        1)         TO BE LIKE CHRIST (Phl 1:29; 1 Pet 2:21)


              2)         CHRIST SUFFERED ON THE CROSS SO WE DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER THE JUDGMENT OF GOD (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Pet 2:24)


V) THE BAPTISM OF BELIEVERS        (Matt 28:19)


            A)        ADMINISTRATOR


The CHURCH INSTITUTION (i.e.- the local church) performs believer's baptism through a church appointed individual (usually the pastor). The church has the authority to appoint whoever they want to perform the baptism, but it should ideally be the pastor, or an assistant pastor, deacon, or another preacher if the pastor is not available. This is because baptism is part of the Great Commission, which was given directly to the eleven disciples not all 120 (Acts 1:15) or so believers there were at the time. The Great Commission was only given directly to the eleven disciples because they represented, and were the leaders of, the ORGANIZED church at the time. It is important to note that the CHURCH ORGANISM did not exist at the time the Great Commission was given, it began when the Holy Spirit came down and indwelled all the believers in Acts 2. Baptism is a church ordinance not an individual ordinance; therefore, only the church has the right to administer baptism. Examples of those appointed by the church to baptize include:


1.         The twelve apostles (Acts 2:14,41)


2.         Peter (Acts 10:47-48)


Peter was an elder (pastor/bishop) (1 Pet 5:1)


3.         Philip (Acts 8:12-13,38)


Philip was a deacon (Acts 6:5) and an evangelist (Acts 21:8)


4.         Paul (Acts 16:14-15,29-33;18:8;19:5)(1 COR 1:14,16)


Paul was a missionary (Acts 9:15;26:16-18; Rom 11:13;15:16)


5.         Ananias (Act 9:17-18; 22:12-16)


Ananias was a devout man who had a good reputation (Acts 22:12), but there is no indication that he was a pastor, evangelist, deacon, or any other leader in the church; he was only a CERTAIN DISCIPLE    (Acts 9:10).  There is no record that Ananias baptized under the authority of any local church, but he received his authority directly from God.  It is important to note that when Paul first met with the other apostles they did not mention, much less insist, that he be re-baptized because he was not baptized by a pastor.


NOTE: Many Baptists believe that a Christian must be baptized by a Baptist preacher in order for the baptism to be scriptural.  Some even go further and state that in order to become a member of a Baptist church a Christian must be baptized into it.  Consequently, if a Christian moves their membership to three Baptist churches over the course of their life, it is possible that they have been baptized three times!  These beliefs, although sincere and well intended, are unfounded in scripture.  The “authority to baptize” was given to the church; therefore, any church appointed "disciple" can administer baptism.  In addition, when the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized, there is no scriptural evidence to indicate that he became a member of the church at Jerusalem.  He likely went back to Ethiopia.  While the ideal situation is when the pastor baptizes a convert into the membership of the local church (Acts 2:41), this situation is not always possible.


            B)        APPLICANT


This baptism is given to BELIEVERS ONLY (Matt 28:19; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:41; 8:12-13,37; 9:18; 10:47; 16:14-15,30-33; 18:8; 1 Pet 3:21).  Consequently, any children or adults who were baptized before they were scripturally saved, should be re-baptized.  In addition, no infants should be baptized since they have no knowledge of sin and are incapable of trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior.


            C)        APPLICATION


This baptism is with WATER (ACTS 8:36; 10:47).


        D)       AIM


                        1)         IT IS COMMANDED (Acts 10:48)


                        2)         THE FIRST ACT OF DISCIPLESHIP (Matt 28:19-20)




a)      Of personal salvation (we are baptized BECAUSE we are saved not TO BE saved) (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16) and a good conscience toward God (1 Pet 3:21)


               b)     Of what happened at the time of salvation (Rom 6:3-5; 1 Cor 12:13)


               c)     Of identification with Jesus Christ and the gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4; 1 Pet 3:21)


4)           TO FOLLOW CHRIST'S EXAMPLE (Matt 3:15; 1 Pet 2:21)


NOTE: There are other interesting facts regarding believer's baptism that should be noted.


1.         It is not salvation, but is a picture, or figure, of salvation (1 Pet 3:21)


2.         It is not the gospel (1 Cor 1:17) but pictures the gospel (Rom 6:3-5)


3.         The baptismal formula may differ for saved Gentiles and Jews. Gentiles are baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost (Matt 28:19) (i.e.- the Lord cf. Acts 10:48), because Gentiles worship false gods and do not know the one true and living God. Jews (and partial Jews) are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38; 8:16; 19:3-5) because the Jews know, and have a covenant with, the one true and living God, but rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah/Savior.


VI) THE BAPTISM UNTO MOSES          (1 Cor 10:1-2)


            A)        ADMINISTRATOR


Moses is the one who performed this baptism (1 Cor 10:2).


            B)        APPLICANT


This baptism was given to the children of Israel after they were redeemed from Egypt (type of the world) by the blood of the passover lamb (type of the blood of Christ) (Exo 14:19-22; 1 Cor 10:1).


        C)       APPLICATION


This baptism is under and through WATER (the sea and cloud were water) (1 Cor 10:1-2).


            D)        AIM


1)           FOR OUR EXAMPLE (1 Cor 10:6)


2)           TO SHOW THE SALVATION OF THE LORD (Exo 14:13) cf. (1 Pet 3:21)


VII)     THE BAPTISM INTO THE BODY OF CHRIST            (1 Cor 12:13)


            A)        ADMINISTRATOR


The Holy Spirit performs this baptism (1 Cor 12:13).           


            B)        APPLICANT


This baptism is given to ALL BELIEVERS once, at salvation (1 Cor 12:13).


        C)       APPLICATION


The believer is baptized into Jesus Christ (Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27), specifically, into his body (1 Cor 12:13), which is the church (Eph 1:22-23; 3:6; 5:30-32).   


            D)        AIM


1)  To position the believer in Christ (Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27)


For this reason, this baptism results in justification.  It is the "one baptism" of Ephesians 4:5 because without it, a person is not saved in this dispensation.


2)  For the old nature to be dead and buried with Christ and the new nature risen with Christ       (Rom 6:3-4)


3)  To form the church, the body of Christ, by placing believers in it (Matt 16:18; 1 Cor 12:13,27-28; Eph 1:19-22; 1 Pet 2:5)                                   


For this reason, this baptism only occurs between Pentecost and the Rapture. There are those who would argue that the teaching that the Holy Spirit forms the church contradicts Matthew 16:18, which clearly states that Jesus Christ builds the church. But Jesus Christ is building the church, however, he is doing it through the person of the Holy Spirit.  Another example of Jesus Christ working through the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of John 14:18 in John 14:16-17; 15:26.


4)  To put Christ on the believer (Gal 3:27)


NOTE: The baptism into the body of Christ is a baptism BY the Holy Spirit, but it is not the same as the baptism OF the Holy Spirit.




1.         The Holy Spirit is the baptizer                                    1.         Jesus Christ is the baptizer

2.         The believer is placed in Christ                                   2.         The Holy Spirit is placed upon and in the believer                              

3.         Part of a mystery revealed to Paul and                        3.         Not part of a mystery revealed to Paul and not unique

            unique to this dispensation                                                       to this dispensation

4.         Eternal life is given                                                      4.         The Holy Spirit is given              


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1.         Resurrection = "the act of rising to life from the dead".


2.         There are three false teachings regarding resurrection that are mentioned in the Bible.


            a.         There is no resurrection- propagated by the Sadducees (Matt 22:23; Acts 23:8) cf. (1 Cor 15:12)


            b.         The resurrection is past- propagated by Hymanaeus and Philetus (2 Tim 2:17-18) cf. (2 The 2:1-2)


            c.         There is one general resurrection- common belief (John 11:24)


3.         There are 11 individual resurrections recorded in the Bible (excluding Jesus Christ).


a.     Moses (Jude 9)


b.    The son of the woman of Zarephath, who was raised by Elijah (1 Kin 17:22)


c.     The son of the Shunamite woman, who was raised by Elisha (2 Kin 4:35)


d.    The man whose dead body touched Elisha's bones (2 Kin 13:21)   


e.     Jonah, who went to hell and back (Jon 2:6) cf. (Jon 2:2)


f.     The daughter of Jairus, who was raised by Jesus (Matt 9:25)


g.    The son of the widow of Nain, who was raised by Jesus (Luke 7:15)


h.    Lazarus of Bethany, who was raised by Jesus (John 11:44)


 i.    Dorcas, who was raised by Peter (Acts 9:41)


j.     Paul, who went to heaven and back (Acts 14:20) cf. (2 Cor 12:2-4)


k.    Eutychus, who was raised by Paul (Acts 20:10)


4.  The body is almost universally associated with the word resurrection, but there are actually three types of resurrection in the Bible, (1) physical (bodily), (2) spiritual, and (3) national. 


5.  There are seven different resurrections in the Bible, of which five are physical, one is spiritual, and one is national.




According to 1 Corinthians 15:22-24, all men will be resurrected in a specific order.


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1.         "Christ the firstfruits"


            a.         The resurrection of Jesus Christ


            b.         The resurrection of many, if not all, Old Testament saints


2.         "Afterward they that are Christ's at his coming"


        a.         The Rapture- the resurrection of church saints and remaining Old Testament saints, if they were not all previously resurrected


        b.         The Revelation- the resurrection of tribulation saints


3.         "Then cometh the end"


This is the resurrection of the "rest of the dead" (Rev 20:5).


            a.         The resurrection of all the wicked dead


            b.         The resurrection of Millennial saints


The first two positions in this order constitute what is called, "the first resurrection", the last position in this order is "the second" or "last resurrection".




The first resurrection begins with Jesus Christ and ends before the start of the Millennial kingdom. Resurrection is likened to a crop harvest (1 Cor 15:37-38), which is divided into three stages: (1) the firstfruits, (2) the harvest, and (3) the gleanings. These stages correspond to the order of the first resurrection given in 1 Corinthians 15:22-23.


"Christ the firstfruits" =      the firstfruits


"They that are Christ's at his coming" (the Rapture) = the harvest                                                            


"They that are Christ's at his coming" (the Revelation) = the gleanings


1)           THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST (Matt 28:6-7; Mark 16:6,9,14; Luke 24:6,34; John 21:14; Acts 1:22; 2:21,24,32; 3:36; 4:33; 5:30; 10:40; 13:33; Rom 4:24; 6:4-5; 8:11,34; 1 Cor 6:14; 15:15,20; 2 Cor 4:14; Phl 3:10; 1 Pet 1:3; 3:21)


a)  Took place three days and three nights after his death, early on the first day of the week (Matt 12:40; 16:21; Mark 16:9)


b)  Jesus Christ is the first to die and rise from the dead (Acts 26:23), never to die again         (Acts 13:34; Rom 6:10; Rev 1:18)


     1.  He is the "firstfruit" of the resurrection (Rom 11:15-16)


                    2.  He is the "firstborn among many brethren" (Rom 8:29)


                    3.  He is the "firstborn of every creature" (Col 1:15)


                    4.  He is the "beginning, the firstborn from the dead" (Col 1:18)


                    5.  He is the "first begotten of the dead" (Rev 1:5)


                    6.  He is the "beginning of the creation of God" (Rev 3:14)


               c)  False views regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ


1.  The Fraud Theory- the disciples broke into the tomb, stole the body of Jesus, and proclaimed he rose from the dead (Matt 28:11-15) Cont: (Matt 27:66)


2.  The Swoon Theory- Jesus did not actually die on the cross, he fainted, and when his body was placed in the sepulchre, the coolness and dampness eventually revived him Cont: (John 19:33-34)


3.  The Hallucination Theory- the disciples missed Jesus so much and wished he were still alive, that they suffered a mass hallucination that he rose from the dead Cont: (Matt 28:6;   1 Cor 15:5-8)


4.  The Ghost Theory- Jesus rose spiritually from the dead not bodily Cont: (Matt 28:6; Luke 24:5,39; John 20:26-29)


d)   Consequences if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead (1 Cor 15:12-19)


                    1.  Our preaching is vain (v.14)


 2.  We are false witnesses of God (v.15)


                    3.  Our faith is vain (v.17)


                    4.  We are yet in our sins (v.17)


                    5.  The dead in Christ are perished (v.18)


                    6.  We are the most miserable of all men (v.19)


                    7.  There is no gospel (v.1-4)


               e)   Results of the resurrection of Jesus Christ


                     1.  Proves that there is a God (Deu 32:39; 1 Cor 6:14)


  2.  Proves that Jesus Christ is God, the Messiah of Israel, and the divinely ordained judge of the world (Acts 2:30-32; 17:31; Rom 1:4)


  3.  Proves that God is totally satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ for our sins (Isa 53:11; Rom 3:25; 1 John 2:2)


                     4.  Assures the effectiveness of the gospel (Rom 4:25; 1 Cor 15:1-4)


                     5.  Assures the resurrection of all in Christ (John 14:19; 1 Cor 15:21-22)


                     6.  Fulfills prophecy (Psa 16:10; Isa 53:10-12; Matt 16:21)                                           


2)  THE RESURRECTION OF OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS (the "firstfruits") (Isa 26:19; Eze 37:11-14; Matt 27:52-53; Eph 4:8-9; 1 Pet 4:6)


  a)  Occurred just after the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matt 27:53)


  b)  May or may not have included ALL Old Testament saints


It is not clear whether or not this was a partial or complete resurrection of Old Testament saints.  The word "many" in Matthew 27:52, and the wording of Acts 2:29, implies it was partial.  If so, then the remaining bodies of the Old Testament saints will either be raised at the Rapture or with the Tribulation saints. It is more likely that they will be resurrected at the Rapture, because these saints are now justified and IN CHRIST  (Eph 4:8).  Those resurrected at the Rapture are the dead IN CHRIST (1 The 4:16). If this was a complete resurrection of Old Testament saints, then it would include all the saints from Abel to Pentecost.


3)  THE RESURRECTION OF CHURCH SAINTS (the "harvest") (John 11:25-26; Rom 8:11; 1 Cor 15:50-57; 6:14; 2 Cor 4:14; Phl 3:21; 1 The 4:16)


a)  Occurs as the first of two stages of the Rapture, the other being the translation of living church saints (1 The 4:17), no less than seven years before the Revelation, or Second Coming of Christ to the earth 


b)  Includes all saints from Pentecost to the Rapture, and possibly the remaining Old Testament saints (if they were not all resurrected in the resurrection mentioned in Matthew 27:53)


4)  THE RESURRECTION OF TRIBULATION SAINTS (the "gleanings") (Matt 3:12; 13:30; Rev 7:3-4; 14:1-4,14-16; 11:11-12)

a)  Occurs toward the end of the seven-year Tribulation period

b)  Includes all Tribulation saints, the 144,000, and the two witnesses

It is not clear whether or not a translation of living Tribulation saints will also occur at this time.  There are some scriptures used to teach that such an event will occur (Matt 25:10; Rev 14:14-16), but it is more likely not, to occur since there are saved individuals who endure to the end of Tribulation (Matt 24:13; 25:32-34). The verses used to teach a translation of living Tribulation saints probably refer to either the rapture of RESURRECTED Tribulation saints, or the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

NOTE: The phrase "come up hither" appears three times in the Bible (Pro 25:7; Rev 4:1; 11:12).  These three appearances correspond to the three stages of a crop harvest and the three stages of the first resurrection.

1.         Proverbs 25:7 = "firstfruits" = Old Testament saints


2.         Revelation 4:1 = "harvest" = Church saints


3.         Revelation 11:12 = "gleanings" = Tribulation saints


     B)        THE LAST RESURRECTION (Rev 20:5;12-13)


1)           Occurs after the Millennial kingdom in preparation for the Great White Throne judgment


          2)           Includes all the "rest of the dead" (Rev 20:5)


a)       All the wicked dead (Rev 20:12,15)


              b)       Millennial saints who died during the 1,000 year kingdom (Rev 11:18)


Although longevity will be restored during the Millennial kingdom, people will still die.  If Millennial saints are not resurrected here, when will they be?


NOTE: The two resurrections are mentioned in a number of scriptures under other names.





Daniel 12:2     

A resurrection to everlasting life

A resurrection to shame and everlasting contempt

John 5:29

The resurrection of life

The resurrection of damnation

Acts 24:15

The resurrection of the just

The resurrection of the unjust


The last resurrection is called the resurrection of damnation and the resurrection of the unjust because ALL the wicked dead are included in this resurrection, not because they are the ONLY ones included. Although the wicked dead will certainly constitute the overwhelming majority of the last resurrection, it will also include saints who died during the Millennium.


II)        THE SPIRITUAL RESURRECTION (Rom 6:4-6; Gal 2:20; Eph 2:1,5-6)


            A)        OCCURS AT SALVATION




III) THE NATIONAL RESURRECTION (Eze 37:1-14; Hos 6:2; Rom 11:15,26)


            A)        OCCURS IN TWO STAGES


       1)         ISRAEL BECOMES A NATION AGAIN AFTER 2500 YEARS (May 14, 1948) (Matt 24:32)


  2)         ISRAEL BORN-AGAIN AS A NATION (Second Coming of Christ) (Isa 66:8; Eze 36:24-30; Zec 12:10; Rev 1:7)


        B)             INCLUDES THE NATION OF ISRAEL


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1.         The word judgment means, "the process of examining facts and arguments, to ascertain propriety and justice; the right or power of passing sentence; determination; decision".


2.         All men will stand in judgment before God one day (Rom 14:12).


3.         The judge of all men is Jesus Christ (John 5:22; Acts 10:42).


4. The fact that there is not one general judgment is proven by the three different "seats of judgment" given in the scriptures.


            a.         The judgment seat of Christ (Rom 14:10; 2 Cor 5:10)


            b.         The throne of his glory (Matt 19:28; 25:31)


            c.         The great white throne (Rev 20:11)


5.         As with resurrection, there is an order to judgment for the three classes of humanity (1 Cor 10:32).


            a.         The church (1 Pet 4:17)


            b.         The Jews (Rom 2:5-10)


            c.         The Gentiles (Rom 2:5-10)


6.  Five aspects will be examined for each of the seven judgments: (1) subject, (2) time, (3) place, (4) basis, and (5) result




       A)        SUBJECT- the Lord Jesus Christ in the place of all men (John 1:29; 2 Cor 5:21; Gal 3:13; 1 Pet 2:24)


            B)        TIME- between the sixth and ninth hours of the day in approximately 34 A.D. (Matt 27:45-46)


            C)        PLACE- on the middle cross at Calvary (Luke 23:33)


            D)        BASIS- the law of God (Eze 18:4; Rom 6:23)


       E)        RESULT- physical and spiritual death of Christ; justification for believers (John 5:24; Rom 8:1-2; 1 Tim 4:10)




       A)        SUBJECT- believers (anyone) (1 Cor 2:15; 11:28,31; 1 The 5:21; 1 John 4:1)


            B)        TIME- any time, daily, immediately


            C)        PLACE- any place


            D)        BASIS- sonship


The Lord expects every born again believer, by virtue of their sonship, to judge themselves daily regarding sin in their life.  


            E)        RESULT


                        1)         CONFESSION (Psa 32:5; 51:2-3; 1 John 1:9)


                                    a)         Forgiveness and cleansing (Psa 32:5; 1 John 1:9)


                      b)        Restoration of fellowship and joy (Psa 51:12; 1 John 1:3-7)


The cleansing experienced by the Christian in confession is illustrated by the cleansing of the priests at the laver (Exo 30:17-21) cf. (John 13:5), which was for the hands and feet and took place daily. It is not the same as the "washing of regeneration" (Tit 3:5), which took place at salvation (Rev 1:5) and is illustrated by the complete washing of the priests that took place only once (Exo 29:4; 40:12) cf. (John 13:10). If the Christian judges his own daily sins, the Lord will not have to (1 Cor 11:31).


                        2)         CORRECTION (1 Cor 11:32; Heb 12:5-11; Rev 3:19)


                                    a)         Rebuke (verbal correction)- through the word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17)


                                    b)         Chastisement (physical correction)- through various afflictions (1 Cor 11:30)


If the Christian neglects to judge his sins, the Lord will judge them.  However, the Lord will never judge his own as he will judge the world.  The Christian is CHASTENED as a son, whereas the world is CONDEMNED as sinners (1 Cor 11:32).




            A)        SUBJECT


              1)           CHURCH SAINTS (Rom 14:10; 2 Cor 5:10)


                        2)         OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS?


The judgment seat of Christ is the judgment for all Christians, or church saints, but it is possible that this judgment will also include Old Testament saints. They would either be judged here, or at the Great White Throne judgment.


            B)        TIME- after the Rapture (Rev 19:7)


            C)        PLACE- in heaven


            D)        BASIS- stewardship


                        1)         IT IS NOT A JUDGMENT OF SALVATION


This is not a judgment to determine who goes to heaven and who goes to hell, that is determined on the earth. This judgment is for the saved only.


                        2)         IT IS NOT A JUDGMENT OF SINS


This is not a judgment of sins.  The judgment of sins is the believer's responsibility during this life.  If he judges himself, the sin is forgiven and forgotten.  If he neglects to judge himself, God deals with him as an erring son and chastens him during this life. Although sins will not be judged at the judgment seat of Christ, the effects of our sins will be evident in the results of the judgment.


                        3)         IT IS A JUDGMENT OF SERVICE


                                    a)         The things (works) done in the body (1 Cor 3:13; 2 Cor 5:10) after salvation  (1 Cor 3:11-12)


                                    b)         The works are good or bad (2 Cor 5:10), as implemented and/or intended (Heb 4:12)


                                                1.         The good works are represented by the gold, silver, and precious stones (1 Cor 3:12)


                                                2.         The bad works are represented by the wood, hay, and stubble (1 Cor 3:12)


                                    c)         The works are judged by fire, which represents the word of God (1 Cor 3:13)


                                                1.         The word of God judges (John 12:48; Heb 4:12)


                                                2.         The word of God saves (1 Cor 3:15) cf. (Rom 10:17; 1 Pet 1:23)


                                                3.         The word of God is likened to fire (Jer 23:29)


                                    d)         The good works abide the fire, but the bad works are burned (1 Cor 3:14-15)


            D)        RESULT


                        1)         REWARD (1 Cor 3:14)


                                    a)         The incorruptible crown (1 Cor 9:25)


                                    b)         The crown of rejoicing (1 The 2:19)


                                    c)         The crown of righteousness (2 Tim 4:8)


                                    d)         The crown of life (Jam 1:12; Rev 2:10)


                                    e)         The crown of glory (1 Pet 5:4)


                        2)         LOSS OF REWARD (1 Cor 3:15) cf. (Col 2:8; 2 John 8; Rev 3:11)


As previously mentioned, although sins are not judged at the judgment seat of Christ, the effects of a sinful life will be evidenced by the lack of reward (Jer 5:25).


It is interesting to note how the Christian is associated with these first three judgments.





Judgment of sin

Judged as a SINNER (through Jesus Christ)

A PAST judgment

Judgment of sins

Judged as a SON

A PRESENT judgment

Judgment seat of Christ

Judged as a SERVANT


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            A)        SUBJECT- the Jews (Jer 30:7; Eze 20:37-38)


            B)        TIME- Daniel's seventieth week, the Tribulation (Jer 30:7; Eze 20:34-38; Dan 9:24,27; 12:1)


       C)         PLACE- the entire earth, primarily Jerusalem and outlying wilderness (Matt 24:16; Rev 11:2; 12:6,14)


            D)        BASIS- Rejection of Jesus Christ as Messiah (Matt 27:25; John 5:43; 19:15)




1)           Two thirds of all Jews die (Zec 13:8)


2)          One third of all Jews endure to the end of the Tribulation and are saved when they accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah at his Second Coming (Isa 66:7-8; Jer 30:7; Eze 36:25-28; Dan 12:1; Zec 12:10; Acts 3:19-20; Rom 11:25-26)


It is entirely possible that there will also be a separate judgment of individual Jews who survive the Tribulation.  The saved will enter the Millennial kingdom, and the lost will be cast into hell.  If this judgment does occur, it is likely pictured in the parable of the talents (Matt 25:14-30) cf. (Matt 8:11-12).




          A)        SUBJECT- the Gentiles who survive the Tribulation (Joel 3:2,12; Matt 25:31-32)


There are differences of opinion as to specific subjects of this judgment.  There are those who believe that Gentile NATIONS will be judged, and those who believe Gentile INDIVIDUALS will be judged.  It is more likely to be individual since the scripture clearly states that ALL nations will be against Israel in the end (Zec 12:3,9; 14:2). The Gentiles that enter the Millennial kingdom are saved INDIVIDUALS from all those nations (Zec 14:16; Matt 8:11).


            B)        TIME- at the Second Coming of Christ (Matt 25:31-32)


            C)        PLACE- on the throne of his glory (Matt 19:28; 25:31) in the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:2,12)


            D)        BASIS- treatment of the Jews ("my brethren") during the Tribulation (Matt 25:35-40,42-45)     


            E)        RESULT


                        1) THE SHEEP NATIONS (TRIBULATION SAINTS who survived the Tribulation)


                      a)       Blessed (Matt 25:34)


                                    b)       Entrance into the kingdom (Matt 8:11; 25:34)


                                    c)       Eternal life (Matt 25:46)


This does not mean that salvation is by works, or a combination of faith and works, in the Tribulation. It just means that the manner in which the Gentiles treat the Jews during the Tribulation will be a direct reflection of their spiritual condition.  Given the circumstances of the time (e.g.- the mark of the beast, the edict to destroy all Christians and Jews and those harboring them, etc.) and the consequences of choosing either side, only those who are truly saved will treat the Jew right.  This "work" does not earn the individual salvation, but is evidence of their salvation (Jam 2:17-18).  Rahab is a type of the Gentile who shows their saving faith by their works in the Tribulation (Heb 11:31).  Her faith is seen in  Joshua 2:9-11, her works, as evidence of her faith, are seen in Joshua 2:4-6, and her reward is seen in Joshua 6:25.


                        2)         THE GOAT NATIONS


                                    a)         Cursed (Matt 25:41)


                                    b)         Departure into everlasting fire (Psa 9:17; Matt 25:41)


                                    c)         Everlasting punishment (Matt 25:46)


The "goat nations" will be those who took the mark of the beast, but survived the Tribulation.  They are contrasted with those who have the faith of Jesus (Rev 14:9-12). Since all the survivors of the Tribulation will be judged before the beginning of Millennial kingdom, and all the lost are cast into a lake of fire, it follows that only saved people will originally enter into the kingdom.  The judgment of the nations is thought by some to be the same as the Great White Throne judgment in Revelation 20:11-15.  This view is false for the many reasons indicated below.




No resurrection

A resurrection

Living nations (survivors of the Tribulation)

The rest of the dead

On the earth

Earth passed away

No books

Books are opened

Before the Millennium

After the Millennium




            A)        SUBJECT

              1)         SATAN (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10)


                        2)         FALLEN ANGELS (Matt 25:41; 1 Cor 6:3; 2 Pet 2:4; Jude 6)


            B)        TIME- after the Millennium, but prior to the Great White Throne judgment (Rev 20:9-11)


            C)        PLACE- uncertain


       D)        BASIS- the original rebellion and fall of Lucifer and 1/3 of the angelic host (Isa 14:12-14; Eze 28:15-18; Rev 12:4)


       E)         RESULT- cast into the lake of fire and tormented forever (Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10)




            A)        SUBJECT- the rest of the dead (Rev 20:5)


                        1)         ALL THE WICKED DEAD


                        2)         OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS (the "prophets")? (Rev 11:18)


                        3)         TRIBULATION SAINTS (those who died during the Tribulation) (the "saints")? (Rev 11:18)


                        4)         MILLENNIAL SAINTS ("those that fear thy name")? (Rev 11:18)


The Great White Throne judgment is almost universally thought to be a judgment for lost people only. But if it were, and every man must eventually give account of himself to God (Rom 14:12), when would saints who died during the Tribulation and Millennial saints be judged?


            B)        TIME- After the Millennium (Rev 20:7,11-15)


       C)         PLACE- uncertain, but before the throne of God, possibly in the vacuum of space since the heaven and earth will flee away (Rev 20:11)


            D)        BASIS


             1)          WHETHER OR NOT THEIR NAMES ARE IN THE BOOK OF LIFE (Rev 20:15)- determines DESTINY


             2)          THEIR WORKS (Ecc 12:14; Matt 10:26; Rom 2:16; Heb 4:13; Rev 20:12)- determines DEGREE of punishment (Deu 32:22; Matt 10:15;    23: 14) or reward (Rev 11:19)


             3)          THEIR WORDS (Matt 12:36-37)


            E)        RESULT


                        1)         THE LOST ARE CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE (Rev 20:15)


                        2)         THE SAVED ARE GIVEN REWARD (Rev 11:19)


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1. The word mystery is defined as, "a profound secret; something wholly unknown or something kept cautiously concealed; that which is beyond human comprehension until explained".


2. The word mystery is transliterated from the Greek word musthrion (musterion) meaning "to shut the mouth; a secret". It appears 27 times in the Bible, 22 times in the singular (mystery) and five times in the plural (mysteries). The first time it appears is in Matthew 13:11 where it refers to the mysteries of "the kingdom of heaven".


3. The mysteries discussed in this lesson cannot be known outside the revelation of the Bible nor understood outside the teaching ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit (1 Cor 2:9-15).  Consequently, the natural (lost) man, religious as he may be, cannot identify these mysteries in the Bible (1 Cor 2:14).


4. It is important to know and understand these mysteries because we are expected to be faithful stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Cor 4:1-2).


5. Although there are at least 15 "mysteries" mentioned in the Bible, only seven are discussed in this lesson due to their doctrinal significance. The other eight, which could be the subject of another lesson, are as follows:


         The mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (Matt 13:11)


         The mysteries of the kingdom of God (Luke 8:10)


         The mystery of his will (Eph 1:9)


         The mystery of the gospel (Christ) (Eph 6:19; Col 4:3)


         The mystery of the Trinity (Col 2:2)


         The mystery of the faith (1 Tim 3:9)


         The mystery of the seven stars (Rev 1:20)


         The mystery of God (Rev 10:7)








The blindness is of the mind and heart (2 Cor 3:14-15), and it is blindness to the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah (Luke 24:27,44-45; Gal 3:23-24; 1 Pet 1:11).




The blindness is NATIONAL (corporate) not individual. This is proven by the fact that a remnant of Jews, including Paul, has been, and will continue to be saved during the course of this dispensation (Rom 11:1-10). If the blindness were individual, then no Jews would have been saved during the past 2,000 years.




a) Until the fullness of the Gentiles is come in (Rom 11:25)


The "fullness of the Gentiles" must be differentiated from the "times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24).  The "times of the Gentiles" is that period of time of complete or partial Gentile domination of the city of Jerusalem.  It began with the Babylonian captivity in approximately 606 B.C. and extends to the Second Coming of Christ.  The "fullness of the Gentiles" is that period of time of Gentile participation in the salvation of God through Christ for the purpose of forming a new creation, the church.  It began with Pentecost and extends to the Rapture. The blindness of Israel will begin to be lifted after the Rapture of the church, during the Tribulation, as seen by the conversion of 144,000 Jewish witnesses (Rev 7:4-8) and the Jewish remnant (Rev 12:17).


b) When Israel's heart turns to the Lord (2 Cor 3:16)


The blindness will be completely lifted when the heart of Israel turns to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is exactly what will occur at the Second Coming (Isa 66:8; Eze 36:25-28; Zec 12:10; Acts 3:19-20; Rom 11:26; Rev 1:7)






When Israel rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah, a new phase of God's eternal program began that involved Israel being temporarily set aside while the Lord called out from among the Gentiles a people for his name (Acts 15:14). These "called out" Gentiles, along with the Jewish remnant saved during this dispensation, constitute a new entity called "the church" (1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:27-28). With the offer of salvation through Christ being extended to the Gentiles, they have the opportunity to be "graffed in" to the "olive tree" (Jesus Christ) and be benefactors of the blessings that follow (Rom 11:15-24).




The blindness and fall of Israel has resulted in their being temporarily cast away (Rom 11:1-2,11,15). This in turn has resulted in the salvation and reconciliation of the Gentiles (Rom 11:11,15).  The Lord is not only doing this to form the church, but also to provoke Israel to jealousy (Rom 11:11-14). Today, Israel watches from the sidelines as the Lord uses and blesses a new people of God: "Christians". 




There are those who are ignorant of the mystery of the temporary blindness of Israel and have become wise in their own conceits (Rom 11:25). They believe the Lord is finished with Israel and that the church has replaced Israel in God's eternal plan. They believe that all the unfulfilled promises in the Old Testament have passed on to the church, including the promises of temporal supremacy and wealth. They also believe the Lord's Supper has replaced the Passover and baptism has replaced circumcision. An argument can be made that these individuals are those "which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2:9). The fact is that, the church is an entirely new entity, not a "New Testament Israel"; and the Christian is a new creature (2 Cor 5:17), not a "spiritual Jew".  When the Bible speaks about an "inward Jew" (Rom 2:29) or the "Israel of God" (Gal 6:16), it is referring to saved Jews.


II)        THE MYSTERY OF THE RAPTURE (1 Cor 15:51)


The Second Coming of Christ is no mystery, for, as part of the day of the Lord, it is clearly revealed and described in the Old Testament.  Consequently, nearly every denomination of professing Christianity believes in the Second Coming of Christ. However, most denominations of professing Christianity do not believe in the Rapture.




Just as the Second Coming of Christ is in two stages, the Rapture and the Revelation; so the Rapture is in two stages, the Resurrection and the Translation.




a) It is the second of the three stages of the first resurrection (1 Cor 15:23-24)


b) It consists of the dead in Christ (from Pentecost to the Rapture) (1 The 4:16)


c) It is a change from corruption to incorruption (1 Cor 15:53)


d) It is the saints' victory over the grave (1 Cor 15:55)


e) "I am the resurrection…he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live" (John11:25)




a) It consists of the saints who are alive at the time of the Rapture (1 The 4:17)


b) It is a change from mortal to immortality (1 Cor 15:53)


c) It is the saints' victory over death (1 Cor 15:55)


d) "I am the…life…whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" (John 11:25-26)






The Rapture takes place in the clouds (1 The 4:17) and is a joyous reunion for all the Church saints.  Including in that reunion number will be our saved loved ones who died (1 The 4:14) and those who we had a part in winning to the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor 1:14; 1 The 2:19). But most importantly, we will see the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time (1 The 4:16; 1 Pet 1:8).




The Rapture is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ FOR his saints.  Although there are various views regarding the chronology of the Rapture, the correct view is a PRE-TRIBULATION Rapture. The Church saints will be physically removed from the earth before the Tribulation begins (1 The 1:10; 5:9; Rev 3:10).  If the Church is to endure any part of the Tribulation, then we should be waiting for the coming of the Antichrist, not the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 1:8); we should be looking for great wrath (Rev 6:17), not the blessed hope (Tit 2:13). The removal of the Church saints also signifies the removal of the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit through the Church (2 The 2:6-7).




The Rapture signifies the completion of salvation by the redemption of our bodies (Rom 8:19,23). The moment we trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, we were spiritually redeemed (Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; 1 Pet 1:18-19) and our bodies were bought (1 Cor 6:20). Although the spiritual aspect of our salvation was instantaneous, the salvation of our bodies awaits the Rapture when we will receive a glorified body just like the Lord Jesus Christ (Phl 3:21; 1 John 3:2), and be fully conformed to his image (Rom 8:29).  The indwelling Holy Spirit is our earnest ("evidence; proof") that our bodies also will be redeemed (2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13-14).




The Rapture provides the means of bringing the Church to the judgment seat of Christ, where all of us will be judged for our service to the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 14:10; 1 Cor 3:12-15; 2 Cor 5:10).






The view that the Rapture takes place BEFORE the Tribulation (1 The 1:10; 5:9; Rev 3:10).  The Pre-Tribulation view is the correct view.




The view that the Rapture takes place some time AFTER the Tribulation begins.  There are two main views within this view.


a) Mid-Tribulation Rapture


The view that is based on the assumption that the book of Revelation is in perfect chronological order.  Since chapter 11 is the middle chapter of the book, it is assumed that chapter 11 concludes with events in the middle of the Tribulation.  Proponents of this view incorrectly assume the "seventh trumpet" (Rev 11:15) is synonymous with the "last trump" (1 Cor 15:52). A trump is merely the sound of a trumpet.




b) Pre-Wrath Rapture


The view that the Church will endure all of the Tribulation except the 7 vial judgments (called, "the wrath of God" in Revelation 15:1).  Proponents of this view likely confuse the Rapture of the Church saints with the Rapture of the Tribulation saints (Matt 25:10; Rev 11:12; 14:3,14-16).




The view that only spiritual believers will be taken in the Rapture and backsliders will be left behind. Paul said the Christians at Corinth were carnal (1 Cor 3:1-3), and among their sins were fornication (1 Cor 5:1) and heresy (1 Cor 11:19; 15:12), yet when speaking of the Rapture he said, "we shall ALL be changed" (1 Cor 15:51).  Proponents of this view confuse the warning to prepare for the Revelation (Matt 24:42-44; 25:1-13) with the Rapture.  They also confuse at least one statement related to Armageddon with the Rapture (Luke 17:34-37).




1) ENOCH (Gen 5:24; Heb11:5)


Enoch was translated to heaven without ever dying, and he was translated BEFORE the judgment of the Flood.


2) LOT (Gen 19:12-22)


Lot, his wife, and two of his daughters are taken out of Sodom BEFORE fire and brimstone rained down upon it.


3) JOHN (Rev 4:1)


John, the beloved disciple (John 13:23) cf. (Eph 5:25) is caught up to heaven after the consummation of church history (Rev 2-3), but BEFORE the beginning of the Tribulation (Rev 6-19).


III) THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH (Eph 3:3-5; 5:23-25,32)


There is much controversy and debate, especially among Baptists, as to the identity of "the church".  While most Baptists recognize the difference between the church as an organism and the church as an institution, some Baptists believe that the word church ALWAYS refers to a visible, local assembly. While the majority of scripture references regarding the church do refer to local churches, there can be no doubt that others refer to something more than a visible, local assembly.  Paul said the church is a mystery.  If the church was nothing more than a visible, local assembly, where would be the mystery?  Even lost people recognize and identify that an assembly of believers constitutes a "church". The mystery of the church revealed to Paul was that it is the BODY and BRIDE of Christ. This does not refer to the local church, but to the body of all born again believers.






a) Christ is the head of the body (Eph 1:22; 4:15; Col 1:18)


b) Christians are the members of the body (Rom 12:4-5; 1 Cor 12:12-27; Eph 5:30)


2) THE CHURCH IS FORMED BY THE BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT (Rom 6:3-4; 1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:27; Eph 4:5)


3) ALL PHYSICAL DISTINCTIONS DONE AWAY (1 Cor 12:13; Gal 3:28; Eph 2:14-16; 3:6; Col 3:11)










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Dispensational Theology








1) TO PUT ON THE NEW MAN (Eph 4:24) IS TO PUT ON CHRIST (Rom 13:14)










Paul said the mystery of iniquity was at work in his day and the only thing preventing it from being revealed was the restraining force of the Holy Spirit in the Church (2 The 2:7).  What was it that was working in those days? John said THE SPIRIT of Antichrist was already in the world (1 John 4:3).  The spirit of Antichrist denies that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (1 John 4:3). We see this spirit active today both in the world and within the professing church.






The spirit of Antichrist has been at work for over 2,000 years.  It has been evident not only in teaching that denies the Lord Jesus Christ (1 John 4:3), but the teachers as well. Over the past 2,000 years, countless false Christs have emerged.  For a person to proclaim that they are the Messiah, they must deny that Jesus is the Christ. John said that all such persons are antichrists (1 John 2:22).




Although the Bible speaks of many antichrists (Matt 24:5,24), it also speaks of one who will arise in the final days preceding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ called THE ANTICHRIST (1 John 2:18).


a) He is a person


The Antichrist is referred to by personal pronouns throughout the prophetic scripture cf. (2 The 2:4,9; Rev 13: 1-8). Therefore, he is distinct from the spirit (i.e.- teaching) that precedes his coming and the kingdom he will rule.


b) He is a man


The Antichrist is a man, not a spirit being. He is called that MAN of sin (2 The 2:3), and although he is called "the beast" (Rev 11; 13-17; 19-20), the "number of the beast" is still the number of A MAN (Rev 13:18).


c) He is Satan incarnate


Although the Antichrist is a man, he not any normal man.  In the two scripture passages most identified with the history of Satan (Isa 14:12-17; Eze 28:11-19), Satan is called a MAN in one (Isa 14:16) and can be SEEN on the earth in the other (Eze 28:17). Satan is addressed through an earthly KING in both of these passages (Isa 14:4; Eze 28:12). In addition, actions are attributed to Satan that are attributed to the Antichrist in the prophetic scripture. Since Satan is a spirit being, and the Antichrist is a man, the only solution is to conclude that somehow Satan will become incarnate through the Antichrist. This being the case, the person of Antichrist counterfeits the person of Jesus Christ. As Jesus Christ is the mystery of GODLINESS, which is "GOD manifest in the flesh" (1 Tim 3:16), so the Antichrist is the mystery of INIQUITY, which is SATAN manifest in the flesh. Certain names given the Antichrist testify to this fact.


1. The seed of the serpent  (Gen 3:15)


As Christ was the literal fulfillment of the seed of the woman, so the Antichrist will be the literal fulfillment of the seed of the serpent. Christ was the seed of the woman in that he was born of a virgin.  How the Antichrist will literally be the seed of the serpent is not clear, but one cannot dismiss the possibility that a supernatural birth is involved (a whore instead of a virgin?), especially in light of Biblical history (Gen 6:2,4; Luke 17:26).


2. Lucifer (Isa 14:12)


Isaiah 14 has almost exclusively been taught to refer to the rebellion of 1/3 of the angelic host (Rev 12:4) that occurred sometime between Genesis 1 and Genesis 3, and was lead by Lucifer, the name attributed to Satan prior to his fall. While there is no problem with this exposition, it is important to note that the context of Isaiah 14 indicates something even more. The "Lucifer" of verse 12 is the "king of Babylon" in verse 4, and while this king of Babylon is cast into hell (v.15), he is referred to as a MAN (v.16). Consequently, Isaiah 14 has a dual fulfillment.  A past fulfillment in an angelic rebellion led by Lucifer, the anointed cherub (Eze 28:14), and a prophetic fulfillment in a rebellion led by the Antichrist in the middle of the Tribulation (Dan 8:10-11).


3. The son of perdition (2 The 2:3)


The Antichrist is the son of PERDITION in contrast to Jesus Christ who is the Son of GOD. The word perdition means, "destruction; entire loss or ruin; the loss of the soul; eternal death".  He is the son of destruction or damnation because that is his end (Rev 17:8; 19:20). Interestingly, the name "Apollyon" (Rev 9:11) comes from the same root word. Although all lost people are in a sense, sons of perdition, this is a special appellation.  The expression occurs only twice in scripture, once referring to the Antichrist (2 The 2:3) and the other to Judas Iscariot (John 17:12). This fact provides a clue to an additional meaning of the name because Judas was INDWELT BY SATAN (Luke 22:3). Therefore, it can be concluded that Judas Iscariot and the Antichrist are called the "son of perdition" because both are Satan incarnate.


4. That wicked (2 The 2:8)


The "wicked" that will be revealed is the same as the "man of sin" that shall be revealed (2 The 2:3), which is the Antichrist. However, Satan is also referred to as "that (the) wicked one" (Matt 13:19; Mark 4:15; 1 John 5:18). 




This is the antithesis of the mystery of iniquity. As the mystery of iniquity is the Antichrist, so the mystery of godliness is the Lord Jesus Christ. The text states six things related to the Lord Jesus Christ.




This refers to the incarnation of Christ through the virgin birth. 




a) The Word was full of grace and truth (John 1:14)


b) Jesus Christ is the Word because grace and truth came by him (John 1:17)


c) Jesus Christ is God because the Word was God (John 1:1)


2) IMMANUEL MEANS, "GOD WITH US" (Isa 7:14; Matt 1:23)




It is RESURRECTION that justifies.The resurrection of Jesus Christ not only resulted in the spiritual justification of those who would believe on him (Rom 4:25), but it also resulted in justifying his claim to deity and Messiahship (Acts 17:31; Rom 1:4).  The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was by the Spirit (Rom 1:4; 8:11; 1 Pet 3:18).




Refers to his post-resurrection appearances (Luke 24:4,23).








Refers to the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9)




This is the antithesis of the mystery of the church. As the mystery of the church is that the assembly of believers is the body and bride of Christ, so the mystery of Babylon the Great is that the assembly of unbelievers is the body and bride of Antichrist.






a) Specifically referred to as such (Rev 17:3-4,6-7,9,18)


b) Referred to by personal feminine pronoun (Rev 14:8; 16:19; 17:2,4,5-7,15-16; 18:2-10,15,18-20,24; 19:2-3)


2) A WHORE (Rev 17:1,15-16; 19:2)


a) Her actions


1. Fornication (Rev 17:2,4; 18:3,9; 19:2)- through sorceries (Rev 18:23)


2. Abominations (Rev 17:4)- murder of the saints of God throughout the ages (Rev 17:6; 18:20,24)


b) Her appearance


1. Arrayed in purple and scarlet (Rev 17:4)


2. Decked with gold, precious stones, and pearls (Rev 17:4)


A woman, specifically a whore or an adultress, is often used to depict spiritual infidelity (Eze 16:29-35; 23:8,17,45; Hos 2:2,5)


3) A MOTHER (Rev 17:5)


4) A CITY (Rev 14:8; 16:19; 17:18; 18:10,16,18-19,21)


a) That great city (Rev 14:8; 17:18; 18:10,16,19,21) Cont: (Rev 11:8; 21:10)


b) That mighty city (Rev 18:10)


c) The city of the woman (Rev 17:4; 18:16)

d) The queen city (Rev 18:7)


e) A seaport city (Rev 18:17-19)


f) A merchant city (Rev 18:11-16)


g) A political city (Rev 17:18)


h) A religious city ( (Rev 17:15)


A city can have authority and influence over people of other nations if the city is the center of a particular RELIGION.


i) A city located on seven mountains (Rev 17:9)






a) Called "Babylon" (Rev 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21)


Many sound Bible students believe that, according to Zechariah 5:11, the city of Babylon will be rebuilt on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates in present day Iraq, in order to fulfill the prophecies regarding Babylon the Great. The problem with this view is that Babylon the Great is a MYSTERY.  There is no mystery about the Old Testament city of Babylon. If Babylon the Great is simply Old Testament Babylon rebuilt, it is questionable that John would react with wonder at her sight (Rev 17:6-7).


b) Called "that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth" (Rev 17:18)


While it is possible that this is a prospective statement, it is not likely. The fact is, there was a city reigning over the kings of the earth at the time John received his vision on the isle of Patmos, and it was ROME. Rome fits the description previously given of Babylon the Great in almost every particular.


1. It has been guilty of seducing governments and populations


2. It has been guilty of killing the saints of God (both Imperial and Papal Rome)


3. Its colors are purple and scarlet


4. It is wealthy


5. It is a "mother" (Called, "Mother Rome" and "Mother Church")


6. It is the "Queen of Kingdoms"


7. It is an economic city (headquarters of both U.N. sponsored economic organizations)


8. It is a religious city (Vatican City, a religious state and headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church)


9. It is located on seven hills (Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal)


The only question mark is the implication that Babylon the Great is a seaport city.  While Rome is not a seaport city per se, it is only about 30-40 miles from the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea.  Certainly, the fire and smoke plumes from the destruction described in Revelation 17 and 18 could be scene in the sea from this distance.  Additionally, sea merchants do have access to Rome via the Tiber River.




Based on all this information, it must be concluded that Babylon the Great is not only a literal city, but a SYSTEM.  Further indication of this is that Babylon the Great is said to be guilty of the blood of all the saints shed upon the earth (Rev 18:24). How can this apply to a rebuilt Babylon or Rome as mere cities, since they did not exist at the time the first saint (Abel) was killed? Interestingly enough, the same accusation is made by the Lord Jesus Christ against the scribes and Pharisees (Matt 23:35). He said they were responsible for killing Abel and Zacharias, yet there were no scribes and Pharisees when either of these saints were killed (Gen 4:8-10; 2 Chr 24:20-22). It all comes together in Luke 11:50-51 where the accusation of being responsible for the blood of all the prophets shed from the foundation of the world is made against "this GENERATION". The word generation can mean, "a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously" as it does in Matthew 24:34. But it can also mean, "a family, or race". The "generation" the Lord Jesus Christ refers to in Luke 11:50 -51 is a FAMILY consisting of all lost people, of which Satan is the father (John 8:44). Babylon the Great is a literal city (i.e.- Rome), but it is also the WORLD SYSTEM.




Larkin, Clarence  Dispensational Truth.  Glenside, PA:  Clarence Larkin, 1920.

Larkin, Clarence  Rightly Dividing The Word.  Glenside, PA: Clarence Larkin, 1920.


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